#8 - The Date: Part 2

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Max felt the first drops of rain splash his face. As they had been lying in the shadow of the huge boulder they had not realized when the sun had disappeared behind the clouds. Instances of light rain in RaWai was a common occurrence. Thanks to the fact that it was so close to the tropics.

As more drops splattered around them Max shook Tul awake.

"Wake up sleepyhead. Its raining"

"Umm. Its nothing new. It will pass in a minute." Tul mumbled sleepily.

Sure enough moments later the light patter of rain stopped.

"Okay! But don't you want any lunch. Its already late in the afternoon. Mo's friend might come searching for us. Atleast get dressed will you."

Max had just draped one of their shirts over the lower half of their bodies before he too had dozed off.

Tul raised himself on one elbow and resting his head in his palm looked down at Max.

"Aren't you feeling sleepy or tired or whatever. I am sure you didn't get any sleep in the bus, nor did you sleep last night and today morning you were already up and about."

"I was a little. But after the nap I am fine now."

"Wow you really have some super strength. Getting by on a couple of hours of sleep." Tul mocked.

"I am your very own superhero." Max replied twerking his brow and winking.

"Well my dear superhero, I still need you around when we are 60 or even 70 if we are lucky. So you better start taking care of your health. You will only make yourself ill this way." Tul said smoothing his free hand down Max's chest. Then bringing it to a rest over his heart.

That moment hit Max like a ton of bricks. His heart almost stopped, and he forgot to breathe for a moment. Had Tul just made the remark on the spur of the moment or did he really mean it. He didn't want to believe. No, he didn't. There are never happily ever afters. Never.

Staring into Max's eyes Tul realized what he had just said. Maybe the words had just come out of his mouth casually. But looking into those dark guarded eyes and feeling the steady beat of Max's heart under his palm he knew in his own heart that he had meant every word. He wanted Max to be there with him right by his side. He wanted the forever kind of love. And he wanted it with Max. Forever.

"Well can we get something to eat now. I am really, really, hungry. Could eat a whole whale." Max joked, breaking the tension that Tul's words had created.

~ xxx ~

After a hearty meal of fish and shrimps and clams and other assortment of seafood downed with a couple of more pints of beer the two decided to laze on the veranda, swinging in the huge comfy swing bed.

On the way back from the beach Tul had asked Max if they could stay overnight. Max had agreed and spoken to Boat to extend their stay.

Max really wanted to do something special for Tul as the date so far had turned out to be more a casual outing between friends rather than something special.

Boat agreed to arrange for a campfire and prepare some special dishes as requested by Max. He even agreed to get a couple of his friends to play a special song to serenade Tul.

As the 2 lay side by side on the big swing bed Max decided to confront Tul.

"Tul, so what exactly is the situation with the business venture that you had planned to start out here when you came here 6 months back?"

"Umm... Well there were some complications in the deal and things didn't work out." Tul replied vaguely.

"What exactly happened?" Max persisted.

Forever or Never (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now