#3 - Are you Kidding Me?

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"Since when do you smoke?" Max asked Tul in a loud voice.

Tul had told Max to go and make some coffee while he changed the sheets in the bedroom. Max had offered to do it. But Tul had pushed him out.

Max had made some instant coffee and even found some snacks in the shopping bags that Tul had got back in the afternoon.

He was taking the mugs and snacks out on to the balcony when in passing he had caught sight of a packet of cigarettes and a couple of cheap lighters.

He knew Tul never smoked. In fact Tul had even objected to Max smoking. So seeing the packet of cigarettes was quite puzzling.

Tul walked out from the bedroom. "You know I don't smoke" Tul replied, a little confused.

Max silently held up the packet lying on the chest of drawers in the living room.

"Oh! Those. Well those are not mine. They are probably Boom's or most likely Mo's."

"And who is... are Boom and Mo?" Max asked perplexed.

"Roommates" Tul mumbled.

Max only looked at Tul questioningly, still unable to fathom what Tul was implying.

"We are sharing the room with others?" Max finally posed the question.

"Well..." Tul mumbled, running his hand through his hair.

Max folded his arms across his chest and demanded, "What the hell is going on Tul?"

"Look don't get mad alright. Just hear me out first. Let me explain everything."

"Yes please explain. And don't leave out anything." Max bit out through gritted teeth. Internally he could feel dread settling in.

"Let's sit down Max."

Tul lead him out on to the balcony. He handed over one mug to Max before taking a long sip from the other.

"The room actually belongs to my friend Tomo. The guy I told you about when I first came here. And Boom is Tomo's boyfriend. They both are working at the Grand Marina resort. It's a few minutes walking distance from here located smack on the beach front. A 5 Star property. It even has its own private beach and all."

"Tul! Get to the point. I don't need a fucking advertisement brochure to the resort your friends are working for." Max snapped.

"Well, I don't have a job and don't have enough to pay rent either. So well... Mo was kind enough to let me stay here." Tul trailed off.

"Does Tomo know that I am going to be coming, staying... whatever." Max asked.

Tul bit on his lower lip and after a moment shook his head in negation.

Max looked at Tul in incredulous silence. Unable to wrap his head around what his boyfriend had just told him. In short Tul was jobless, had no money and was living on hand outs and charity from his friends.

"What the fuck Tul? When the hell were you going to tell me all this? Or were you just waiting for your friends to walk-in on us fucking each other senseless." Max shouted.

"That would be highly unlikely." Tul muttered.

"Are you fucking kidding me Tul. Cracking dumb jokes right now?"

"No! No! its not a joke. The door has only one card. And its usually with me as I am usually at home. So even if those two came home they would have to knock or ring the bell..." Tul trailed of as he saw Max glare at him.

"Look, its not all that bad baby..." Tul said in a placating voice.

"All that bad! ALL THAT BAD! Are you fucking kidding me Tul. What the hell? You invite me over to stay in this room which doesn't even belong to you. And on top of that you are telling me the actual owners of the room are not even aware that you have invited me over." Max was literally seething with anger at this point.

"Its not such a big deal baby. Mo is a very nice guy and he wont mind. He is like a brother to me. Besides there is enough room for everyone baby." Tul was using his most soothing voice.

"If you dare call me baby one more time Tul I swear I will punch your teeth down your throat." Max shouted back.

"Okay! Okay! I am sorry ba... sorry na Max. I know I should have informed you before. But you didn't give me a chance to say anything."

"You didn't get a chance to tell me about this in this past full month. You were that busy doing what Tul. I uprooted my entire life and shifted here. Last month you told me you had found a job and were starting work. So what happened to that?"

"What the hell Max. Its not like I asked you to throw in your resignation and move here." Tul was starting to get a little irritated.

"So this is all my fault now" Max demanded angrily.

"Look I know I should have said something sooner. But its not like we cannot resolve this in a calm manner."

"Tul! Just fucking get out of my sight right now, before I really punch the daylights out of you." Max hissed through gritted teeth.

Tul took one more long look at Max and decided to leave.

He had seen Max lose his temper before, but it had not been at him. They had never had an actual fight in the 2 & half years that they had been in a relationship. Probably because neither of them were the clingy types.

Tul was always surrounded by friends and family and cousins and there was always something happening in his life which took up most of his time. Max on the other hand was the quintessential loner and needed his personal space and me time as he called it.

And at the moment Tul thought it wise to give Max that space to cool down. Also it was high time he found his friend Mo and updated him on the current situation before the two over grown boys returned home from their day shift.


These are the first 3  Parts. Will try to maintain a steady pace. But till I fall into a routine wont promise any set dates.

Do let me know your comments / thoughts so that I can improve / continue accordingly.

Thank you for reading!


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