#4 - Mo to the Rescue

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Tul walked the short distance to the Resort where his friend worked. On the way he had messaged Mo.

Tul: Hey bro, you still at the resort

Mo: Yep

Mo: What's up

Tul: what about Boom

Mo: Boom will be a little late today. We just received a booking for a birthday party for 30 pax. So Boom will be doing some extra time

Tul: Oh Ok. Can we meet? I need to talk to you.

Mo: ???

Tul: Actually I need to tell you something

Mo: As long as you are not going to tell me you burnt the house down...🤣

Tul: No its not that

Mo: I am relieved... LOL

Mo: I am at the service gate. Come there

A moment later Tul reached the service gate and found his friend leaning against the outside gate post smoking a cigarette.

"What's up?" Tomo inquired.

"Please promise me you won't get mad." Tul started.

"Well that depends, you already confirmed you didn't burn the house down, so I guess anything else you say would hardly be worth me getting mad." Tomo replied cheekily. "Unless you once again washed my white shirt with that red towel and turned it pink."

"No I didn't." Tul replied making a face at his friend.

"You turned Boom's white chef jacket pink this time? In that case I am going to get front row seats and popcorn when he throws a hissy fit at you." Tomo snickered at his own joke.

Tul just continued to stand there looking everywhere except at his friend biting on his lower lip nervously.

"Tul, what's the matter? You know I would never really get mad at you." Tomo asked in a sober tone.

"Well, my boyfriend is here." Tul blurted. Letting out the breath that he had been holding.

"Okay! So?" Tomo asked not quite getting what Tul was trying to convey to him.

"My boyfriend Max is at the room right now."

"He arrived unannounced and caught you fucking someone else?" Tomo asked with a bark of laughter.

Tul smacked him on the arm and said in exasperation. "Can you quit already with your dumbass jokes. I am serious. I mean I didn't tell you that he was coming. So..."

"Wait a minute he didn't come unannounced, did he?" Light was suddenly dawning on Tomo.


"And... details bro. I am still unable to understand the problem."

"Well let me start from the beginning."

"Finally! Yes please!"

"You remember we went to that rave party at the beach just over a month ago. Well I was drunk and called him up. I was truly missing him so told him so. I don't really remember much of the conversation. It was pretty late at night and I was kinda drunk. Anyway a few days later he told me he was handing over his resignation and planning to shift to RaWai to be with me. He sounded so enthusiastic I didn't have the heart to discourage his decision. And so he is now here in RaWai." Tul paused in his explanation to look at his friend who was till calmly smoking his cigarette as if Tul was just telling him the story of the latest movie.

Tul continued in a quieter voice. "I let him believe that I had a job and a room."

"Hmm! The sofa turns into a pullout double bed. I am sure we have some extra bedsheets and pillows and stuff. Or we can go buy some from that 24 hour shop near the fish market. I can get an extra food parcel from the kitchen, though they might take a little time. Or we can pickup something from that Tin roof place down the street."

Tul just continued staring at his friend. He was not much surprised at his friend's reaction. Tul and Mo had been best friends since they were little boys. Both had very similar mindsets, always cool, laid back and unperturbed. They even shared the same birth date and had been nicknamed the Twins in school.

"Thank you Mo, I owe you one. Well I guess my debt to you just keeps multiplying." Tul sighed.

"Hey you moron! Cut it out already. Save your senti (slang for sentimental) tone for your boyfriend. Speaking of which let's go before your boyfriend sends out a search party. I will message Boom and fill him in."



Tul groaned. He was not sure if Max was still in a foul temper. He certainly didn't want Max to say anything crappy to his friend.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?" Tomo inquired cocking his head slightly.

"It's just that..." Tul licked his dry lips before starting again. "It's just that Max is really really pissed at the moment. I have actually never seen him this angry before."

Tomo doubled over laughing his head off. "Did he box you? Damn I missed it. Tul you idiot what did you expect. The guy just uprooted his whole life and shifted here for you. He atleast deserved a warning before he arrived."

"Hmm..." Tul sighed

"Did he eat anything? Besides you that is?" Tomo was back to his teasing.

"Ai'Mo! Shut up will you." Tul could feel the sudden heat rise in his face.

"Looks like you were the one who feasted on him." Tomo laughed as Tul smacked him once again.

Tomo jumped on Tul's back and asked, "So what do we do first? I think lets go back to the room and calm down your pissed off boyfriend."


Thank you for reading!


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