#11 - Routines

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It was already over a month since Max had arrived in RaWai. Time seemed to fly with the beginning of the busy tourist season. All year round is a tourist season in RaWai. But as the summer days cooled and the days slipped into November the number of tourists increased.

Just as Max & Tul kept busy at the café Tomo & Boom too seemed to be extremely busy at the resort and the 2 couples hardly saw each other except in passing.

Max as per his usual style had all but taken over the running of the café. Drawing up plans to expand the café and start a bar so that the place ran full during the nights as well. Within a month he had initiated quite a few changes, of course with Mae's approval and Aunty Um's blessings.

Mae herself had a job as a senior accountant in an audit firm in Phuket. As the fiscal year in Thailand runs from 1st October to 30th September Mae had been quite busy with year closures & yearly audits. But she had been impressed with Max's knowledge of the various laws & regulations, licensing procedures, taxation polices etc. and so had let Max take the lead and run the show.

Max had always been pushy by nature. When he wanted something, he went after it but with patience and a quiet zeal. Right now, the only thing on his mind was to get Tul back on track but without appearing to be pushy about it. He knew nagging Tul would not achieve anything. He had to apply his brains and not his emotions. And to achieve his goal he was ready to use any and all assets available at his disposal. Currently it was the café and he knew if he worked hard and yet smartly the 2 ladies would be easily persuaded to let him open a bar section. And he hoped this would once again fire up Tul's currently dormant enthusiasm.

Sure, enough they had agreed, and Max had slowly but surely started pushing the responsibility for the bar on Tul. Though Tul was still not very happy about working at the café he conceded so as not to disappoint Max.

They had soon hired some servers and a couple of chefs to dish out quick snacks & finger food which could be teamed with the different variety of coffees, teas and shakes as well as with drinks and cocktails.

Even with the extra help that they had hired, Max had his hands in everything. Helping out and lending a hand wherever necessary.

But this seemed to leave very little personal time for the two of them. For Max it didn't really matter, because right now his focus was to set things right and set up a routine. Discipline was something which mattered dearly to Max.

It didn't take long for Max's pushy nature to spill over on the domestic front too.

By the end of the first week the other 3 boys wondered how they were going to survive living with Max. Within the first couple of days Max had the tiny one bedroom, apartment dusted, cleaned and organized like it belonged in the display window of some Home Decor store.

They further discovered Max certainly was not a morning person though he did tend to wake up early and actually seemed to survive pretty well on 3-4 hours of sleep. But to top that they soon realized Max certainly had OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Cleaning the apartment seemed to be a permanent agenda on his daily list.

And it didn't end there. He drew up routines for the daily chores like they were in some army barracks and didn't shy away from showing his displeasure if the chore was not completed to his satisfaction. Though of course being a perfectionist of sorts the bulk of the chores he took care of himself.

But that didn't stop Tomo & Boom from making good natured fun of Tul.

"Damn Tul you never told us your BF was going to turn into a fucking nagging wife," Tomo chortled.

"Even my head Chef doesn't bark out orders like Max does." Boom added with a grimace.

"You are only pissed because he yelled at you for throwing away the bones with some meaty bits still on it." Teased Tomo.

Forever or Never (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora