#10 - Beach Café & Mae

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"Mom how could you hire 2 complete strangers without even taking their proper details or without conducting a background check. You didn't even talk to me about it."

Max & Tul had just entered the Beach Café which still had the closed sign turned, on the little gate. They heard aunty say something in response to the woman who was throwing a hissy fit who was probably her daughter. But they couldn't make out aunty's words as she was speaking in a low tone. The 2 approached the shutters which had been pulled down around the café counter. Only one shutter panel was partially open, and the two women were perhaps in the kitchen area just beyond the swing doors which separate the café bar counter and the kitchen, pantry and office area.

"I am already running late. And those 2 have still not arrived. I can't wait any longer. If they do turn up just tell them something and send them on their way." The daughter was once again talking her voice ringing as clear as a bell.

"I told them to come by 8:30. There is still 5 mins to go. I am sure they will be here any minute." Aunty replied in a soothing voice.

Max & Tul saw the 2 women walk in through the swing doors. At the same time, the 2 women saw Max & Tul standing uncertainly near the open shutter.

The younger female was the first to speak. "Sorry we are not open yet. You can try the café next doors. Thank you for visiting."

Seeing the two, aunty smiled but before she could set her daughter straight about the identity of the 2 young men Max spoke up. With his hands joined in the traditional Wai he said,"Hello! miss, I am Max & this is Tul. We are here for the job." 

~ A/N ~ Who would be able to resist that smile 😍

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~ A/N ~ Who would be able to resist that smile 😍

He had his most professional smile pinned on. That combined with his polite and attentive attitude was enough to put even the most irate person at ease.

It seemed to work like magic. The young lady was certainly captivated by Max's charm and involuntarily smiled, then quickly got rid of the smile as if she just realized what she had done.

"I am sorry if we are late miss and I would understand if you would prefer that we come back at a more convenient time. We didn't mean to eavesdrop, but we couldn't help hearing what you said. I would probably react the same way if my mom happened to hire some complete strangers." Max took a pause as if waiting for this bit of information to sink in. Then continued before the young lady could respond, "I can assure you all our references will check out to your satisfaction. We do need this job and we can start today, tomorrow whenever you like. But I am sure aunty would also prefer to have us do the running around, after all why would you want to lose out on potential business by turning away the customers."

Finally, the lady spoke, "I get your point, but I really don't have the time right now to conduct an interview."

"Dear you can always conduct your interview later. Maybe tomorrow or today in the evening if you prefer. Atleast let them start today." Aunty said placing a hand on her daughter's arm.

Forever or Never (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now