#25 - Punishment!?!?!?

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~A/N~ This chapter dedicated to  johnwatson308

Max was the first to wake up like always. He stared at Tul's sleeping face. These past few months were like a dream come true. The number of times in the past years he had imagined waking up next to Tul. Living with him. Doing everyday things with him. But Tul had never shown any inclination and Max had been too afraid to broach the subject.

Just as he was about to caress Tul's face, Tul woke up. For a moment they both stared at each other.

Max feeling unsure and afraid, schooled his features.

While Tul resisted the urge to smother Max with kisses. Instead he gave him an irritated look and got out of bed. It was not because of the stupid argument, that they had had the other night. It was nothing new. Arguing over money was common for the two of them.

For Tul money was easy come easy go. Just something that was useful for buying the materialistic things. But for Max it translated to hard work. The amount didn't matter, but the blood and sweat invested to earn even a small amount mattered. And so spending it on frivolous things Max always considered a waste.

But the way Max had implied that the argument had stemmed from something Ten had said had left a burning thought in Tul's head, which he wanted cleared. To add to that was the disgusting conversation that he had had with Ten.

Max to sat up and kneeled on the bed. He pinched his ears between his fingers and looked at Tul's back, his face full of remorse.

"P'Tul I am really sorry. I didn't mean to say all those things and hurt you. I just let my mouth run without thinking. Please, I am sorry Phi." Max was now pleading.

Though Tul was older than Max by a year and a half they had always called each other by name and never much hung on formalities. It was a rare occasion when Max would use the Phi title to address him.

Tul knew Max's apology was genuine. But he was not going to give in so easily. Not only because of the answers his mind was seeking, but he had the oddest feeling in his heart that there was more to this whole darn mess then what Max was letting on.

Tul had his back towards Max but he could see Max's reflection in the mirror. And he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from smiling at how adorable Max looked.

Tul was not hot headed. He could usually maintain his cool and calm demeanor even in the worst situations. But what he lacked in angry displays he made up by holding cold grudges against people who crossed him.

But to hold a grudge against Max was unthinkable. Though Max's words had hurt bitterly the other night it was that same Max who had the power to restore peace and happiness in his world. His world which revolved around the adorable morsel he had claimed as his 3 years ago.

But he was not going to let go before doling out some delectable punishment and extracting some sweet revenge. And digging up the truth with it.

He turned around maintaining a stern expression, though he was finding it extremely difficult to do so, especially seeing Max looking at him with still sleepy eyes from under his disheveled bangs which fell across his forehead in a delightful mess.

"After the way you spoke to me the other night do you still expect me to forgive you so easily. Don't you think you should be punished for your horrible behavior and rudeness Max?" Tul asked coolly.

"Yes! Okay, I will do anything... just tell me," Max replied earnestly.

"How about I tie you up and spank your butt?" Tul retorted.

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