#23 - Flashback: Part 2

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I was actually a little surprised that nobody pointed out Max's character in the last chapter. Or should I say Max being out of character in the last chapter. I mean I have always portrayed him as the responsible, careful guy. So how come no one questioned how and why did Max just take off with a stranger? Didn't it feel a little strange that he would throw caution to the wind and immediately go off with a stranger. Even if it was our handsome bartender Tul.

I mean we knew it was Tul but what about Max? Wasn't Tul supposed to be a stranger for him?

I guess it happens when all are our Sweetheart Tul's fans and nobody thinks about my Maxii. Okay just kidding there.

This is how Max met Tul. 😜☺ 💗💗

**This is from Max's POV in 1st Person**

Flashback... 3 Years & 7 Months Earlier...

"And since when did we turn into a packers and movers company?" I asked my colleague in irritation.

"Max you know he is one of our star clients. And when he requested, we couldn't deny." Nida replied.

I sighed and looked out of the car window at the huge building in front.

"Fine Phi!" I muttered.

Just as I was about to get out of the car, Nida grabbed my wrist and pressed some money in my hand. "Take a taxi to go home and claim the bill from office. Okay?"

"Phi, its fine, I can manage." I said. I didn't need the money. It was just that I hated travelling in crowded public transport buses. And my home was on the other side of town which meant I would have to travel quite a distance.

"Just do as I say. You just have to check everything has been moved in properly. If there is any issue report back to me. Go now. Bye!" Nida was a kind lady and always treated me like a little brother, so I really didn't want to kick up a fuss.

I made my way upto the 14th floor. The condo was stylishly decorated and could easily feature in some real estate magazine under the bachelor pad segment.

The place was airy with large floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Chao Phraya river. The walls were done up in white while the décor was in shades of blue and sea green. There wasn't too much furniture cluttering the 1 huge bedroom, the decent sized living room and the open style kitchen with a bar counter dividing it from the living room.

I was a little puzzled. The place looked like all the furniture and state of the art equipment had been already there. So what exactly had the packers and movers moved?

Was it just the 6 cardboard boxes stacked in 2 stacks for which P'Earth had requested our service?

My company was a freight forwarding company and we dealt with shipping cargo from Thailand to various other countries and vice versa. But moving house hold stuff wasn't part of my Company's profile.

Everything looked in order. And as the 2 workers who had been there when I had arrived had already left handing me the door key I too turned around to go.

Just then one of the carboard boxes toppled over and there was a loud crash.

I sighed and hoped it wasn't anything costly or precious which my company might have to pay for or replace. I walked over and straightened the box. Surprisingly that box was full of what looked like curtains and bedsheets.

Then what the hell had made that crashing noise I wondered. Just then between the 2 stacks of boxes I noticed what looked like a photo frame.

I picked up the wooden frame which had cracked from one side. The top glass was broken and though most of the pieces of glass were now lying on the floor some shards were still stuck in the grooves of the frame.

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