Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The hand game

I went.

The music was loud that came from the house, the newest Drake song drumming from the huge speakers. Red- Solo cups littered the front yard and people poured into the house.

I pushed and shoved myself through the door. The house inside was crowded and loud.

I wanted to bolt out of there the moment I entered. I felt suffocated and very hot. The atmosphere sticky and overwhelmingly warm.

I finally pushed through the heavy crowd. There were a few couches where college students sat and smoked. The scent was sickly sweet and it left an ugly aftertaste in my mouth.

I opened my purse and pull out the coca-cola can. I open it and take a long sip. I normally brought my own drinks if I went out. After one of my high school friends got roofied at a bar called Jackson's, I started bringing my own drinks with me if I went to a club.

Corbin sees me before I see him, 'What are you doing here?' He seethes from behind me.

Goosebumps cover my flesh. I turn around and face him and say with a slight shrug, 'I wanted to come to the party.'

'I told you not to come.' He growls.

'I don't care. You don't even know me.' I say my temper rising.

He sighs and clenches his jaw, 'I know enough. I know that girls like you, don't belong here.'

I flinch and fold my arms over my stomach, 'This is a party, Corbin. Everyone is allowed to come.'

'Not you. Go home.' He crushes the red cup in his hands and lets it drop to the floor. His hand is now covered in beer.

'No.' I say and take another sip of my coke. His eyes follow the drink and his face turns into a bemused expression.

'Aviana. Go home.' He says again with more authority.

'Why? I don't wanna go.' I sound like a child.

He runs a hand through his hair and looks up at the ceiling. 'Fine. But you're staying with me.'

He then grabs my hand and drags me toward a circle of couches. He pulls me over many pairs of legs and deposits me on the only empty couch.

Corbin sits beside me and throws his arm over the back of the couch. Everyone turns their gazes on me. I smile at Jared smugly. And he just chuckles and shakes his head while taking a drag of his cigarette.

'And who is this?' A voice says from my right. I turn my head and look at her. She was gorgeous. Dark brown hair, sharp cheekbones, and full lips.

'This is Ana.' Corbin says in a bored tone. I smile my greeting, too nervous to speak.

'I didn't know you got a new plaything.' A guy with a gravelly voice says.

'She's not my plaything. Mind your tone, Ethan.' Corbin growls and sits up a little straighter.

Ethan only smirks and chugs the rest of his drink. I try to relax and lean back. I listen to music as my fingers tap against my arm.

'I'm bored. Let's play a game.' Ethan says with a groan.

'You're always bored.' Corbin says next to me. He takes out a packet of cigarettes 'Marlboro' and slides one out.

'Come onnnnn!' Ethan drawls out while Corbin lights his cigarette and takes a drag.

'Fine. Truth or Dare. Who's playing?' He asks irritated.

'Fuck no.' Jared says with a shake of his head.

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