5 - Magic Core

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The abrupt shaking and noise that occurred from below was suspicious due to having encountered less demons from the lower floor. Perhaps it was some of the mechanics of the tower and the structure itself being of old age that had caused such reaction, but it didn't matter to him. There was no reason in bothering going down just to see what the whole hassle was when he was already near the top of this place.

He could feel him, his brother was near. So why was is that he could sense the demonic energy that strictly resembled his own just moments ago? It was also during the limited time of when the shaking occurred however, the power which lurked had diminished soon after, as if not having been there in the first place. It was strange, the energy was abnormally similar but not at the same time.

"Probably something I missed or something down there." He muttered, although it was more than likely he had missed certain areas of the room or haven't really explored thoroughly. If that was the case then he believed it to also be that girl's doing if anything else. "She did have a launcher after all..."
Shrugging his shoulders, he proceeded to go further up than go the extra mile to simply do peak his curiosity of what happened. There was already enough tasks just getting to the top as is.

Such as those trials he had done, the first two seemed to have done the trick in breaking the boulders for him to pass, and yet he proceeded to go to the final one door. He wondered what the third one was for anyway if only two of those gems did the trick. But it didn't matter to him either way. He got his answer with the small pedestal having released its hold of the weapon which fired out lasers. A gun named, Artemis.

Quite a classy name if he said so himself. The weapon was no doubt created by a demon who seemed to have some interest in the field of creating weapons. The only reason he could tell the weapon was constructed by demon in the first place was due initials it possess from the side. The slight insignia as well also helped him with the answer too. It was one that was popular even though humans wouldn't be able to use it in the first place.

The weapon was indeed handy, but was there really any use for such a weapon when he relied solely on his two main pistols? Nah, who cares. He'll probably find some use for it sooner or later.

Although he cleared the wreckage which prevented him from opening the door, the sound behind him seemed to have shaken the room and caused another parts of the roof to fall and cover up the door once more. The door opened but was not pushable meaning it was indeed blocked again. "Just means my second thoughts of going back down is no longer an option."

Looking to his right side, an open area which was broken down allowed him to see the city which was destroyed and along with his shop which he could barely see from the distance.

The sight wasn't visible as it was dark, but he noticed the destruction around the city to not have calmed down at all, in fact it seems to have increased further.

Even so, it's a nice view from up here. Looking down at the edge from where he stood, the cool breeze caressed his bare body while the red coat he wore fluttered and flowed with the wind.

His long white hair moving side to side and he continued to watch as such.

'Hm?' Looking up quickly, he heard the sound of the air being pushed aside and something falling towards his velocity. Instantly grabbing the object which was falling, he noticed it to be the girl he saw during the time he killed that ice breathing dog.

The girl immediately pulled out her gun and aimed for him head. Hmph, like that was going to help her from falling down. A 'thank you' would at least have been nice from saving her.

"Well, this is my kind of rain." Looking up, he smirked, "No wonder the sky looks so funny today."

"Let me go!"

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