12 - Half Dead Soul

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"The act of providing power to was not meant for the uses of Human. Take precaution to heed my word for thou may lose yourself even further in the path of revenge...we shall meet again."

Closing his eyes, he felt his body being pulled away from the void and he return to the small room with the staircase besides him on the left with limited lights. Joshua gave a small sigh in dissatisfaction as he searched through the items if it was available to purchase supplies such as the water which he now knew was called 'Holy Water'.

Luckily the amount he had was enough to have some remaining orbs left to spend after buying the upgrade of his Barrier Bullets which was titled as, 'Barrier Bullets Lv2'. Although the name didn't really stick to him, it was understandable due to the skill being a sort of level up version of his original skill.

There was actually another skill which he felt was something that was more of an take-back skills. Any damage that was received would be absorbed, the amount of hits that can be stockpiled was not specified due to the skill not being bought. It was available to him only because of his main magic ability, his usage of the barrier that had been identified as being a few step above the class of an intermediate magician.

Leaving those skills for later, he focused back to the current predicament, which was the current amount that was required to reduce the soul's time limit. The time did in fact show reduced than before causing the price for said item to be reduced as well. Even so, the amount required left a sense a sort of distaste nonetheless.

Before he could contemplate further of what to if next meeting the Divinity Statue, he felt the ground shake beneath him. 'Was it Dante?' It was a while after he went ahead in this room and the teen had a much higher chance of survival with the way he portrayed himself or probably that was how every other Demon Hunter's were like? Strong minded in both minds and body.

Adjusting his rifle's position, he began to descend down the stairs with the sound of heavy breaths which he could guess was something demonic running around with Dante in the middle of it. The spiral of stairs was long with his small legs but he had made it down and went through the black door that was the only thing available and entered to feel a small glimmer of blue light that came from the flames on the side of a large bridge.

While it was larger in width and length compared to the previous one he had to wait on, the central part of the design was largely broken as of something heavy had caused it to break. Nonetheless, the bridge was stable enough when he walked towards the edge and noticed a large arena like field.

He first noticed something when looking down. One, there was definitely a demon that looked like a horse with its mane swaying with blue flames. It's glowing blue eyes that bore not into him but more onto the other being that was fighting it. Which leads to two, Dante being it's opponent.

'He looks okay.' While he felt some sort of worry for the Demon Hunter's safety, it more due to the fact of the slight dirt marks he could see even from this distance. The teen had his two guns out and began shooting with quick precisions towards the direction the demon would simply be after a few moments. The amount of damage seems to have caused the horse itself to tire down in order to recuperate from the damage it had received allowing the whitehead to run up and slash with that sword of his personally. The cuts caused the demon to neigh in discomfort and anger as it got up soon after before seemingly vanishing from sight causing Dante's swing of his attack to hit the ground instead.

The shift of the air around himself felt distorted as if he was moving slower than he expected if when he was just moving his fingers. The sense of feeling that he was still moving his body at a normal pace, yet the feeling felt so wrong when he even turned his head.

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