3 - A Devil's Entertainment

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"Looks like we have an uninvited guest."

The whitehead looked at the city and sensed the presence of his twin brother and...a human.

"Is that so..." The man besides the teen perked his head slightly at the statement.

The teen nodded his head at silent inquiry, "A human; a women."

Arkham who was reading his tome halted, closing it and stood up before moving downwards towards the door of the tower, "I believe I shall ask the uninvited to leave then, actually, I happen to be acquainted with that women."

The teen looked at the man who continued on his path, "A storm is approaching." Was Arkham's last words before he disappeared from the teen's sights.

He sighed before narrowing his eyes. "A human child approaching this tower? Interesting. I guess I should meet the little one for...entertainment." It had peeked his interest as to how one such small could have simply entered into here when all the others had evacuated due to the rise of the tower. Perhaps if it was a mere curiosity then he would simply force him out of the way. While he could have had the man also solve both intruders, he had time to spare. "Unexpected things seems to be happening as of now."


The entrance looked to have been frozen all over unnaturally, the way it kept such cool temperature and was blocking the entrance only gave the boy the conclusion of it being recent. Did a demon do this or was is simply so cold that everything inside was frozen like a chiller room, he felt that to be the unlikely case.

Joshua looked around for any clear other entry before noticing the hole on top of the entrance. "Looks like someone broke through, huh."

He would have struggled to climb the tower with one hand but luckily he had the grappling hook the lady gifted. The only thing is, he didn't know was how to use it in the first place. The entrance was also far away for him to jump and swing the rope around.

It was a good plan to climb the tower if not the fact that he was too small to even reach it in the first place. He looked at the entrance again which was frozen solid and saw the inside more clearly than before. The only other option is to break the ice or climb the hole provided.

Groaning about the decision, he brought out the bayonet and stabbed the tower, Joshua raised a brow when he noticed the blade stay still on the point where he impaled. It was indeed sharp.


A plan came around when he saw the blade stuck in place. Bringing out his knife and looking at the sole of his boot. An idea to have a foot grip came to mind though it was crazy.

Grabbing a spare cloth from his body armour's pocket. He placed it on the ground before placed the handle on the knife. He then placed his left foot to step on the handle before wrapping the cloths around the boot. It wasn't stable but it felt tight enough.

Gripping the other sharp object with his right arm, made sure to tighten the hold of it too by using the remain cloth with his teeth. It was difficult but was soon accomplished after several minutes.

Stepping towards the tower. He stabbed the blade at the tower before stabbing his left foot to the left side. "Here goes nothing..." standing up with the blade on his foot, he found it to be wobbly but strong enough to bear his weight. The plan was now simple.

He proceeded to stabbed higher with the bayonet, striking with his arm again to hold hold his weight while he let go of his foothold, he struck higher with his foot.

The plan was going well and sooner or later, he soon made it to the hole without the use of the grappling hook.

Landing on to the hole, he released the cloth that was tightly stuck with his hand along with the knife and brought it back to where they were previously placed. The height was large but it wouldn't damage it too much.

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