𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧

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I haven't slept that good in such a long time. Warmth spread over my body, making me nuzzle my face deeper into my hard pillow. Soft giggling could be heard from somewhere in the room.

"Shut the hell up, we're trying to sleep." My pillow rumbled.

My eyes snapped open, and I sat up. I was still in the slytherin common room, laying on the couch with draco, who rubbed his eyes. Standing around us were crabbe, goyle, zabini, nott and a scowling pansy. Nott was fanning himself with something in his hand.

"Did you see what you dick heads did? I was comfortable." Draco sat up with me.

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

I combed my hair out of my face. "Did xavier...?"

"No." Blaise answered.

Nott kept mischievously smiling at us, making me feel uneasy.

"What?" I asked.

"You two are so cute. Now I have something to blackmail you with."

It was only then that I realized that what he was holding was a picture. "Nott, give me the picture."

He shook his head. "No, I don't think I will, diore."

Draco jumped up, and snatched the picture out of his hand. "It's not bad, y/n"

He handed me the image. He's right. Not that bad. It was just draco and I asleep. His arms were placed around me protectively, and my head laying on his shoulder, while his rested on mine. My heart skipped a beat, and I folded the picture up to shove into my pocket.

I cleared my throat, and started to put my shoes back on. "Well, I-"

"Are you coming to hogsmeade with us, drakey?" Pansy pushed me off the couch, and took my seat next to draco.

"Uh, I'll go with the boys, not you." Draco answered, coming over to help me up. "But knowing you, pansy, you don't have any friends, so you'll follow us around."

She scoffed. "How nice of you to say, drakey."

I slipped my other shoe on, and looked at the group. "Uh, I'm gonna go-go find harry and them. I'll see you later?"


Draco looked sad when he learned I was leaving him. I'm not sure why, though. I slipped out of the common room, and went up to gryffindor tower in search of my friends. They weren't there. Maybe they already set out for hogsmeade? I changed my clothes, and set off in that direction. When I passed the corridor for the hospital wing, however, I ran into the three of them.

"What are you three doing in the hospital wing?" I noticed them all scratched up. "And why do you all look beat up?"

The three of them shared a look and laughed.

"You ready to hear the wildest story ever?" Harry asked.

"Of course."

I walked with them out to the black lake, and sat along the edge. I listened as they told me all about their adventure last night, wishing I could have been there with them. Two things really shocked me from that story. One, ron's rat was a grown ass man named peter pettigrew, and two, hermione had a time turner?! Now I know how she got to all of her classes all year long.

"Y/n, what are you thinking?" Hermione said. "You have your thinking face on."

"If scabbers was pettigrew..." a shiver ran down my spine. "How many times has he watched the girls change? And, ron, you slept with him every night."

You can see the realization growing in ron's eyes. He looked like he was about to puke just from the thought.

"And I never thought professor lupin would have been a werewolf. I guess that explains why he was sick once a month. And I'm glad you saved buckbeak as well."

A shadow fell across us and we looked up to see a beaming hagrid.

"Know I shouldn' feel happy, after wha' happened las' night." He said. "I mean, black escapin' again, an' everything- but guess what?"

We all pretended to be confused.

"Beaky! He escaped! He's free! Bin celebratin' all night!"

"That's wonderful, hagrid!" I got up to hug him as best as I could. "I'm so sorry, hagrid!"

"'S fine, y/n. He escaped." One giant hand clapped down on my back. When I pulled away, I sat back down on the grass. Can't've tied him up properly. I was worried this mornin', mind... thought he mighta met professor lupin in the grounds, but lupin he never ate anythin' las' night."

"What?" Harry said quickly.

"Blimey, haven' yeh heard?" Hagrid lowered his voice. "Er - snape told all the slytherins this mornin'... thought everyone'd know by now... professor lupin's a werewolf, see." Hmmmm... Must have happened after I left this morning. "An' he was loose in the grounds las' night. He's packin' now o' course."

"He's packing?" Harry said alarmed. "Why?"

"Leavin', isn't he? Resigned firs' thing this mornin'. Says he can't risk it happening again."

Harry jumped to his feet. "I'm going to see him."

"But if he resigned, it-"

"-doesn't sound like there's anything we can do-"

"I don't care. I still want to see him. I'll meet you back here."


The exam results came out on the last day of term. I had passed every subject of course. Gryffindor had won the house championship for the third year running, thanks to our spectacular performance in the quidditch cup. This meant that the end of term feast took place amid decorations of scarlet and gold, and that the gryffindor table was the noisiest out of everyone.

When it became time for all of us to go home, I sat with my friends on the train, wanting to spend every minute with them before we get separated for the summer. When we got to kings cross, i hugged them goodbye, and went to join my family.

When I approached, my father smiled at me. I'm not sure what got into him, but I hope mother catches it as well.

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