Chapter Four ~ What You Would Sacrifice

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LOOKIELOOKIE I DREW JASMINE LOOKIE! ON THE SIDE LOOK QUICK! (She looks a little weird, sorry! And that there is her signature. Also I really encourage you to listen to the songs I put on the side even if they're not in your taste range. I pick them just for the part 'cause the lyrics relate so much!) Credit of the awesome vid goes to the owner!

Agh, Chapter Four! The last chapter of this book! GAH! Like the Chapter title? *HintHint* *WinkWink* *NudgeNudge*

There's four parts left to this story, including the epilogue.

I have to tell you that this part is sort of a filler one. I had planned it this way for a while, but a few major things happen. :3

I want to thank every one of you for sticking by my side through late updates and everything. It really means just so much to me.

Dedicated to @CarryOnMyCobaltAngel  for supporting all of my Supernatural ideas and the comments and loads of other stuff.

I love you guys, and thanks! Enjoy the part, I've actually been dying to write this one. I just love Jasmine and Adam's interactions. Plus it's super emotional...oops.



Chapter Four ~ What You Would Sacrifice

Part One ~ "Asking Someone To Do What Needs To Be Done"

"You still have a headache?"

"Hmm? Oh, no," Jasmine assured Adam. "Thanks, by the way."

"Least I could do. I know how angels screw with you like that."


"Something else bothering you?" he wondered aloud. "You seem a bit...troubled."

"I'm always troubled."

"More so than usual."

Jasmine thought about that look she'd seen in Sam's eyes. The -- the fire. The heartless, conciousless, blazing inferno of Hell. The look of a man who was willing to kill anyone and anything. Of a man who had no heart. The look of a man she...she didn't know anymore. He looked like he was about to snap and go on a rampage of sex and booze and murders and beatings. He was sharp. His eyes...darker than a shadow's nightmare.

"Just worried about your mom," she said instead, which was true.

"Oh," said Adam, caught off guard. "You worry about my mom? Shouldn't you worry about your own instead?"

"I do, but I'm concerned for you. I want you happy. And there's no reason you should've went through all that for nothing."

It was silent for a moment. "Thanks," he said slowly and quietly. "I mean, for helpin' know...get her back."

"It's the least I can do. After all, you are my friend."

His sandy eyebrow raised. "None of that family crap?"

Jasmine shrugged. "Nah. I mean, you're the little brother now. I gotta look out for you. But at the same time, I respect you and your decisions. Family is such a vague term."





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