And So Began A Legend (Book 1)

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There was no end.

There never was, and there never will be. So, you can take that little hope you had that this all would end, and the Earth would roam free, and shove it. The things that want to kill you? They're there. The things that hate your guts? Yep, still there. The dreams of monsters that you have? Probably real, and they're out there.

They will never give up, and they will never leave you alone. They will always find you, no matter where you hide, how you protect yourself, or no matter what you know.

We'll all die someday. It's inevitable, and some people can't accept that. We won't die from some astral explosion, or the ostracization of mankind. We won't be killed by a disease made from Pestilence. The world will not end in fire, nor will it end in ice.

It'll be the shadows that kill us. And when they do, there will be no escape from them. They'll take us, forever, without warning. And we'll all be clueless.

There is no end.


Chapter One ~ I Am Not Alone

Part One ~ "The Third Kind"

"Excuse me."

"No, excuse me."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry." The man's lips twitched in a half smile as the two tried to step around each other for the fifth time. "Uh, here." He placed his large hands - compared to her's, anyway - on her shoulders and swiftly scootched around her.

"Sorry, again," Jasmine said, placing a hand to her temple in a gesture. "It's been a really long day."

"Oh, no, no," he said. "It's fine, really. I know how you feel."

She nodded once, and shrugged, smiling against her will. "Right. So, um, bye, now."

"Oh, right, right. Bye."

Jasmine turned, milky brown hair bouncing as she went, and made her way down the sidewalk. Who knew that you could meet such a nice stranger outside of Lawrence? Of course, she'd never had much luck with any stranger, or people, for that matter.

She smiled to herself anyway, about how his puppy brown eyes bore into her bright green ones. He had been tall, muscular but lean, with semi-long brown hair and an angular face. She'd only come up to his chest, maybe, so he was a tall individual.

He'd been clad in attire similar to her's as well. Jeans, boots, a button-up plaid shirt and a jacket. She had on her boots as well, with a grey shirt and the button-up tied just below her breasts. She wasn't a model, by any means, but she was proportioned and she loved her body.

She sighed and dodged a rogue man in black, heading down the street to her house. Was it her's? No. It was her family's, actually. Nothing big, nothing small. Just...average. She'd shared it at one point, but since she'd broken up with him, he'd been gone, leaving her alone.

She pulled the mat up on the front porch back to it's spot, satisfied, and placed her key in the lock to open the mahogany door. The house was cool as always, since she liked it cold most of the time. There was just something about the way that heat made you sticky that bugged her.

She shut the door behind her and breathed out a rather large sigh before taking the bag she had with her from the shop to the kitchen, where she dropped it on the counter.

She went to pull the little can of yogurt and salad stuff out, but stopped halfway there and sighed again. Hanging on the wall above the counter and below the cabinets was a black and brown Remington model 878 pump action shotgun in all it's glory. She never knew why she kept it there, but she liked to think it was a sense of security for her.

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