Part Eight~ The Tentacles Of The Pentacles

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Quick note here to let ya'll know that this is the last part of Chapter One! Thanks for sticking by me for so long, and I hope you all will like Chapter's Two, Three and so on as much as you have this one!

Dedicated to @gamergirl33 for being the first comment on the last part! Thanks so much for reading! Next chapter will have a different dedication ;)



Chapter One ~ I Am Not Alone

Part Eight ~ "The Tentacles Of The Pentacles"

"How did she get these wounds?"

Sam looked to Dr. Albertson and chewed his bottom lip. "She was attacked. I was out at the car, getting our things ready, and some guy just slipped in and started hacking on her."

Albertson nodded and looked at Sam suspiciously over the top of his glasses. "And all of the scars? The marks on her back? The Satanic symbols?"

Sam swallowed a lump in his throat. "My g-girlfriend has had a rough past. Will you please just tell me if she'll be okay?"

Albertson pulled the clipboard from the end of Jasmine's bed. "Miss Roth lost an awful lot of blood and her lower arm was cracked in several places on both the Ulna and the Radius. Luckily they were barely more than hairline fractures and should take maybe five or six weeks to heal." He looked to where Sam was; at Jasmine's sleeping and peaceful face. "She's very lucky. The amount of stress on her arm to cause bruising like that should have completely fractured it severely. And all the blood she lost...well, she's already regaining her color and her heartbeat is regular again. It's somewhat of a miracle. You're very lucky, Mr. Winchester."

Sam gave Albertson a small smile. "Thanks, Doctor. When will she wake up?"

"With her progress, within an hour or two, hopefully. We have blood going into her with the antibiotics. She should be okay. Find the nurse if you need anything."


Albertson paused by the door and looked back. "It's funny. Her blood type is O positive but I've never seen anything quite like it."

Sam's expression was guarded until the old doctor left. He shut the door to the room and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He might have no other choice than to call James, which he really did not want to do.

He looked at Jasmine again and fell into a plush blue chair by her bed. Albertson was right; he was a lucky man. But James was more, since she actually loved the blonde boy. She looked like an angel sleeping there on some clouds, her hair slightly mussed but splayed around her head on the pillow perfectly. She wasn't beautiful but she was beautiful.

Her eyes moved below her closed lids and he vaguely wondered if she was being haunted by one of the visions. It was a damn shame she had demon blood in her. For such a sweet girl like her, it seemed impossible that something so evil was inside of her. But why now? Why had it suddenly acted up? Had he triggered it somehow?

He sighed heavily and pulled her phone off of the nightstand and powered it on, heading to the contacts. He found James (which surprisingly didn't have a cutesy name or nickname like the other contacts) and dialed the number.

"Jasmine! I've been so worried. Are you okay?"

Sam sighed. "Not Jasmine. She got hurt. I'm at the hospital with her. Just --"

James hung up on the big man and Sam dropped the phone in a frustrated manor. Was it possible to be so tired of someone's shit within a twenty-four hour period? Must be, because Sam was. It was a shame, too, that the little prick hadn't run off yet.

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