Part Four~ Just The Beginning

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And the last part of Chapter Two arises! Thanks for stickin' with me. You really have no idea how much it means to me, as much as I say so! I appreciate every one of you so much. Sorry for any mistakes you see -- I had six teeth cut out of my mouth (wisdom and two others) and I've felt pretty bad these past few days. Thanks for bearing with me!

Dedicated to @Lolaiza666 for giving me great, legit feedback!

~ Cynder


Chapter Two ~ Family Means Everything

Part Four ~ "Just The Beginning"

Her intellegent response was, "Um."

Adam surely had that Winchester handsome gene, she could tell right off the bat. He had sandy blonde hair and dark green eyes, slightly arched brows, a little scruff on his jawline, thin lips -- kinda like Sam's -- and a rather neutral expression. She could tell he'd learned to conceal his emotions like she had, and was probably better at it than she. Jasmine couldn't tell a damn thing about what he thought of her.

He withdrew his hand, clearly noting that she wasn't about to shake it. "We'd better get a move on."

She cleared her throat and put the keys in the ignition. "Right, right. Sorry, I'm just -- Sam."

"Understandable. Wanna talk about it?"


"Thank God."

That brought a small smile to her lips, and as she drove, she tried to keep her mind off of what could be happening to Sam at this moment in time. "Just talk about something, please. Anything. How'd you escape Valefor's goons? Where's Daniel?"

"Daniel's over a state," Adam said. "He's fine."

"Then how'd you end up here?"

Adam leaned the seat back a little as they rolled up to the motel, saying, "Go get your things and I'll tell on the drive to Salt Lake."

Jasmine checked out of the motel first and then got their clothes bags and whatever else they'd left, hurriedly storing them back in the trunk of the Charger and hopping into the driver's side again. Sirens were darting in the direction of Mann's Bar.

Adam took a good time to collect his thoughts before he started explaining why he was so far from Daniel. "Well, to be honest, I wanted to meet you in person," he began. "Really bad."

A pause. "So I snuck out, like you suggested. I didn't make it too far alone, obviously, 'cause a couple of demons got the high ground on me. I shamefully admit that I was unable to beat the crap out of three at once."

"And they took you to wherever Valefor took Sam, I assume."

"I assume," repeated Adam. "But I have no idea where it is. It was dark and dank and musky." His nose scrunched up. "All you could smell was blood and copper."

Jasmine's hands tightened on the wheel and she took a deep breath. Adam continued, only glancing in her direction. "Had me chained up for a while, then they tried to move me. I got the upper hand, finally, made my way out. Passed out for a while. Woke up a little ways away from the bar."

"All that just to meet me?"

"I guess."

"Was it worth it?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

"Glad to hear. So how'd you take down the demons?"

Adam sat forward and pulled a gun from his waistband, brandishing it with a smirk. "This baby right here."

And So Began A Legend Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora