Chapter 3

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"I hope these are fresh." I said while eyeing the fruits and the woman who was selling them. In front of me were strawberries, peaches, grapes, pears, some weird looking long yellowish things and a couple of apples.

"Of course they are!" she told me angrily, but her expression quickly changed as I put three bunches of grapes into my basket.

I put a couple of peaches and a tray of strawberries next to the grapes.

"I think this will be enough."

"Great! That'll be one silver." The old woman said with a satisfied grin.

I paid and went to the bakery.


By the time I got home my arm was almost torn off from the heaviness of the basket. It was starting to slip off my arm, so I quickly unloaded the contents on the dining table. I bought fruits, a freshly baked bread, cheese, biscuits, scented candles, conditioners and finally oils that are good for the skin. A lot of my guests like a good massage before sex.

I swept up, washed the windows, and cleaned the fireplace. When I was done with everything, I decided to take a nice warm bath. I warmed up the water from the well on the stove and poured it into my large tub. I added a few drops of rose oil and then tossed my clothes on the floor and got into the water. I started rubbing my body with my goat milk soap while imagining what the Baroness would be like.

Is she going to be nice? Dominant? Is she shy? I wonder if she'll be nice. Or cruel and malicious? As soon as it crossed my mind I tensed and panicked, but then, thinking about the cord behind the headboard of my bed I calmed down. That thin cord guarantees I won't get hurt. I just have to yank it and the help will come right away. If I have a burglar in my house, I yank it, if one of my customers tries to kill me I yank it, it's really simple. But luckily, I never had to use it yet and hopefully I never will be.

I sat there for an hour thinking about the Baroness and getting my mind ready, until the water got cold, and my fingers were wrinkled. With a sigh I started to sit up when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who can that be so late? "I muttered to myself as I quickly found my robe. Whoever it was knocked again but this time louder. "I am coming for God's sake!" I shouted while running to the door.

I opened it and a boy was standing on my porch holding a small box in his hands.

"Good evening, miss. Please don't be mad at me for interrupting you this late but I had an important delivery for you, by the way you are Louisa, right?" The boy asked me with a slight accent.

"Yes, it's me."

"This is for you." He offered me the small package which I took curiously.

"Who sent it and why?" I was inquisitive about this one.

"I don't know. But you are very pretty, anyone could have sent it." The boy winked at me.

"And how old are you to wink at me young man?" His cheeks were slightly flushed from my question, but he answered me anyway.

"I'm 12 years old, miss! I'll be a grown man soon!" He puffed his little chest out with proudness. I was trying not to laugh at him, but he was too adorable.

"I'm sure you will be." I smiled at him. "Alright, thank you for being a grown postman but go home it's late." I dismissed him giving a silver coin for his services. Grabbing it he happily ran off on the street shouting thank you over his shoulder.

As soon as the boy disappeared, I locked the door and took a peek at the tiny package in my hand. Sitting down I untied the yellow silk ribbon and lifted the top. And there on a small red cushion lay a beautiful golden anklet. Carved gold roses hung off it with little white diamonds at the end. I took it out and admired it in the light of a burning candle. When I wanted to put it back it's when I noticed that there was a piece of paper in right the side of the box.

Dear Louisa!

Please accept this outstanding piece of jewelry which was handmade only for your beauty. You are holding the only one of this kind of anklet so it's as special and gorgeous as you.

I truly hope you like it!

I turned it but couldn't find a signature or any sign on the sender's identity. The writing itself was so meaningless it was impossible to find out whether it was written by a man or a woman. I had an almost identical piece of jewelry on my wrist, that someone had left outside by my door last week with a large bouquet of lilies.

I've been getting presents from someone for a month now, and at first, I liked the affection but now I started to feel annoyed. My first thought was that it might be a satisfied guest, but it was gold jewelry which isn't cheap. I wanted to find out who this person was and why they are spending this much money on me.

I took the little box with the letter into my bedroom and put it down on my desk which was full of jewelry racks, combs, and perfume bottles. Last week's present was a bracelet with ruby stones in it. I was sure this person might be fricking rich if they would spend this much money on someone like me. I didn't want to overthink it, so I closed the curtains, stripped naked and walked first to the headboard to make sure the cord was still there, and laid down in my bed.


"Should I wear the red one or the blue one?" I asked myself the next day. I've been standing in front of my mirror for an hour now, and still haven't decide what to wear. I glanced at the clock and my heart stopped. Oh my God the Baroness will be here soon. I didn't take my eyes off the clock and took one of the clothes and threw the other one back into my closet. After I closed the door I realized that I had picked the blue one.

Since the house was fine thanks to my cleaning yesterday, I focused all my energy on my appearance. I put on the dress and sat down in front of the mirror starting to put my hair in a fancy halfway-up bun, smearing light blue powder on my eyelids and finally applying a deep red lipstick on my lips. I stood up and looked myself up and down, the royal blue dress hugged my body in the right places highlighting my slender waist and sizeable breasts.

My attire was modern but provocative at the same time with two triangular stripes cut out at the waist that came up above my belly. After a little hesitation I also putted on my new anklet with my matching gold hoop earrings.

"Whoever is sending me these things does have a pretty good taste in jewelry." I admitted to myself.

I smoothed the front ofmy dress a few times and I heard the back door open where the clients usuallycome in. She was here.

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