Chapter 13

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We were in the closet for almost 3 hours and it was already dark outside. The shy maid who did my hair, was the one who found us. Rosalinda was standing behind us not knowing what to do with herself as I couldn't stop hugging the little maid, showering her with my gratitude.

"What's your name?" she did not look up at me as she answered.


"Thank you again Tamara." I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she blushed.

Suddenly there was three knock and a well-dressed man came in announcing the queen's arrival. Stepping aside the queen walked in gracefully, her jade colored dress flowing behind her. Looking at us with her painted eyes, she was wearing a silver tiara with a green stone in the middle, her brown hair up in a royal bun. The three of us bowed down at the same time in front of her.

"Please forgive me." She told us out of nowhere.

Looking up at her questioningly, my eyes blinked behind her seeing Jessica the hateful maid, tears staining her face as a huge fiery red mark glowed on her cheeks.

"She will be punished for her misbehaving and endangering others." The queen had a disappointed look on her face as she glanced at Jessica. "She dared to lock my special guests in a closet, preventing them from enjoying my son's 15th birthday." She started to get angrier as she was still looking at the now crying maid.

"Apologize. Now!" She yelled at her, making everyone in the room jump in fright. But Jessica was not saying anything at all, just staring back at the queen with a defiant look on her face.


Everyone let out a loud gasp, but me. That's when I realized that she is in love with the queen. I felt sorry for her, but still that didn't give her the right to lock us in the room.

"You were jealous, weren't you?" I asked directly.

Looking at me with hatred in her eyes, the queen started to realize slowly what I just said.

"What?" spinning around she was facing Jessica. "What kind of jealousy lead you to this awful behavior?"

And that's when everything went down.

"My queen I love you with all my heart since you first bedded me." Tamara and the queen went pale.

"I gave you my body, my soul and my heart but you laid with almost every maid in your castle! Like I didn't matter anymore! But I was okay with it, they were just maids and you still invited me to your bedroom sometimes. I was not in your favorites though. Then all of sudden you pay for a slut to have sex with you, while I almost begged you every day to take me!" She was screaming now at the queen, who stood calmly.

Rosalinda hearing what this volcanic eruption just called me, stepped forward, but Jessica didn't even look at anyone, just Charlotte. Grabbing Roses hand, I shook my head at her.

Not understanding the situation, I couldn't believe the queen had favorite maids, then why did she ask for me? Understanding my inner concerns, Tamara leaned into me.

"The queen had her favorites Amanda and Nicole, but they are dead. They both fell down the stairs while cleaning." Tamara whispered in my ears.

"I was the best lover you ever had, you said it yourself! Then what could this bitch do better than me?" Pointing at me. The man who announced the queen's arrival was standing in the doorway shocked at what kind of argument he was hearing.

"Tell me!"

Trying to save the queen from this already awkward situation, I cleared my throat, gaining everyone's attention in the room.

"What happened again with Nicole and Amanda?"

"There was sadly an accident." The queen finally founded her voice. "They slipped and fell down the stairs." Jessica started to seem guilty, her anger fading slowly by every word the queen said.

"Are you sure it was an accident your majesty?" There was a long moment of silence, everyone putting the pieces together.

"You pathetic little shit." The queen suddenly cried out, grabbing Jessica by her neck, slamming her on the wall. Hearing this the announcer man dramatically fainted. "Was it you?" Jessica was just smiling, like she heard the best joke of the decade. "ANSWER ME!" slamming her head on the wall, she was not smiling anymore.

"Yes. But I did it for us! You need to understand, when I pushed them down, I knew we are going to have a lot of time together, and I was right!"

I never heard someone cursing this elegantly but scarily at the same time as the queen did.

"Guards! Take her away. Her execution will be tomorrow morning."


When Jessica was led away, the queen went back to her son's birthday party followed by Tamara. I decided not to go partying after my mental breakdown and Rosalinda didn't want to go neither. Saying goodnight to each other, I closed the door behind her. Leaning my back against it with a huge sigh.

"I had sex with my boss." I told the empty room.


Screaming in panic I saw the announcer trying to sit up next to my bed, holding his head. Oh, we forgot about him. Helping him stand up, I led him out of my room carefully. Locking the door, I looked around the room.

"Anyone else in my room?" For my utter relief, no one answered.

"Finally." Laying down on my bed, I didn't even change my clothes, I slept in my gown.

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