Chapter 2

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The next morning, I decided to go out for some gardening. I dressed up in a cream-colored skirt and a loose royal blue blouse. I pinned my long brown hair into a bun, and finally walked out barefoot in the garden. As I stepped out, I was struck by the smell of fresh bread and noises from the busy street.

Along the fence I planted trees to hide me from the prying eyes for my customers sake, so I couldn't see the street itself.

I quickly walked down the steps bypassing my little well which provided me with water, and I headed towards the rose bushes. My favorites are yellow and pink, so they dominate the whole area around my house. I took a pair of secateurs to cut a few off to put them later in a vase. I quietly began to sing an old folk song as I slowly walked between the flowers watering and cutting them. I don't know how long I've been outside, but I've noticed that the church bell is going off which meant it's lunch time.

"It's already noon?" I whispered as I stood up and dusted of the front of my skirt.

"It seems like, but you had a good time, didn't you?

I jumped and quickly spun around searching for the voice and saw Rosalinda sitting under my small pavilion with a cup of tea and a book in her hand.

"Rosalinda! You scared me!" I shouted angrily at her.

"Well, from your shaking voice it's pretty obvious" she laughed at me.

Angrily I sat in front of her with a sigh. "How long have you been here?"

"It's been a while. I didn't know if I should tell you or let you be in your own little bubble with your flowers, so I made myself comfortable and waited."

"Surprisingly, you didn't even hear my cough." she added with a smile.

"You are going to be the death of me Ros, what if I get a heart attack next time? You must warn me."

"Whatever, you are too young for a heart attack anyway. Beside I came to have lunch with you." She rolled her eyes at me while getting up from the table picking up her belongings.

I let out a sigh getting up too, it wasn't worthy getting into this little argument of us, I always knew Rosalinda was a woman who could talk herself out of everything with her charm and fierceness. You can't be mad at her for too long though. As always, she looked amazing at the age of 31, staying in shape with exercising and barely growing older, I would've said she is around in her mid-twenties. Her long black hair hung down her back in a thick braid as always. She wore a simple green tunic with white baggy trousers with a gold sandal shimmering on her feet. Her right ear was covered in gold hoops, while the left had a long feather earring hanging down. Her tan skin almost shone in the sunlight as we headed towards the house.

"Why did you come anyway?" I looked up at her tall figure admiring her green eyes.

She looked down at me and as soon as we got into my kitchen, she waved to start making us lunch because she is hungry.

"Another client checked in for tomorrow." She said as she sat down at the dining table.

"Who?" I was hoping that the general changed her mind.

"Some Baroness from the South. I think her name was Isabella." She scrunched up her nose. "She wrote in the letter that she would be here by tomorrow morning, but she will only come in the afternoon after she rested because sitting for 2 days in a really comfortable carriage was tiring enough for her. And you know what was the best? That she was already on her way when she sent the letter! What if your night is not free, or you are sick for some reason? She asked fucking nothing about your programs! I hope at least the bitch pays well since she is such a cunt!" She murmured to herself.

"Rosalinda don't work yourself up and remember a lady does not speak foul. Beside I am free for tomorrow and you know that."

"Why? Can I not speak freely about my mind even if it contains some swear words?" She stared at me provocatively.

"I'm not saying that, but a beautiful lady should not talk like this you know? But whatever...leave it! What would you like to eat?

"Oh, so you think I am beautiful?" she purred like a cat, which caused me to blush, but Ros already know how she looked. "Tell me Louisa have you ever accidentally kicked something? Like a table? Or have you hit your pinky toe in the corner of the bed?" she asked me, ignoring my compliment from earlier.

"Of course."

"Really? And tell me, what did you say at that moment? That: Oh my bad, what a painful accident? Or the hell? Hmm? Because I don't think it was any of these" she told me with sparkling eyes, already knowing the answer.

I got even more redder because I knew exactly what I used to say... Seeing this, Rosalinda started to laugh.

"All I have to do is look at your face and I know the answer. You are an open book for me." she said with a hearty laugh.

Trying to ignore her and hide my tomato colored face I quickly started to wash and peel the vegetables from my garden and starting to boil the water while chopping the vegetables into it. Meanwhile, I heard that Rosalinda, my mentor, had finally calmed down. She was our "madam," but she only called herself mentor. She never bothered with men. We didn't really know much about her just that she was happy to help troubled girls without money and train them. I'm not talking about the courtesans they usually became the maids who clean our Community House or the stable and serve the customers.

"How was your night with the General?"

"Pleasant." I answered while recalling Eleanor's muscular body pushing me down into the mattress while her long fingers went in and out of-

"Everything is always pleasant with her, isn't?" She glanced at me for a moment, then went on. "When is it going to be ready?" She stood behind me looking into the pot, shaking me out of last night's memories.

"Give me ten minutes." I said breathlessly. I could feel myself getting wet from the memory so I immediately closed my thighs.

"Do you have dried chili to put in?" she asked.

"Of course." I headed towards the shelves while feeling my thighs sliding on each other and honestly it was uncomfortable.

"How are the girls by the way?" I tried getting my mind of the wet memories with Eleanor.

"They're getting ready for tonight. Mia's sick but she said she can still dance with the others. She wants you to come too it's going to be a money miner with her words."

"You know I can't. I have to get ready for tomorrow's guest." A list was already forming in my head with the things I had to finish up today.

When lunch was ready, we ate comfortably while lightly chatting. Rosalinda complimented my cooking as always and disappeared with a pathetic excuse when I asked for help washing the dishes.

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