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Songs at the beginning of each chapter are just good songs that deserve listen...or don't but in my opinion they are pretty nice.

This story will have violence, profanity, and sexual content! Please don't read if you aren't reading for this.

Valeria has been working for the last two years of her life to take care of her family. The only life she has know has been to take care of her siblings. Her father died right after Valeria's mother got pregnant with Jessie and after that her mom went into a spiral of depression. Valeria understands why so she doesn't blame her, but she still wishes everything was different.

Lilianna : 43 years old, drunk, valeria's mom

Valeria : 19 years old, second oldest child, pays most of the bills and makes sure everyone is taken care off (I imagine her with long curly dark brown hair and brown eyes with light brown highlights)

Chris : 21 years olds, older brother to Valeria, doesn't help with bills at all and is barely around to help with the younger siblings (I imagine him as really nice eye candy but looks a little musty, like the kind of musty that doesn't smell until he lifts his arms)

Olivia : 17 years old, younger sister to Valeria, helps with bills, has a huge attitude, but will throw hands against anyone that hurts one of her siblings (looks like valeria but has funky stick and poke tattoos and self made piercings, her hair is straight though)

Jessie  : 4 years old, youngest sibling, is a literal baby so he just sits there and looks cute. (Has almost black hair and light freckles all over his face)

Roman : 22 years old, Alpha of mezzanotte pack, Italian ( black hair that looks silky and is always pushed back, dark brown eyes almost can't see the pupils, tattoo sleeves, a couple face tattoos, scar across his chest that is three long diagonal lines)

Cole : 21 years old, Roman's beta, friends with Valeria's brother (light brown hair, looks mean but when you get to know him he is a big softie)

For the last year the entire world has known about supernaturals and a spiral of chaos has followed.

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