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The sun rose at about 6:30 AM each morning, the same time that Sayaka got up to prepare for school. The first thing the girl would do when she awoke was put on her glasses. Sayaka did not wear them to school anymore, but they were still handy up until the time she put in her contacts. She did the usual things like shower, get dressed, do her side ponytail, ect. Her favorite part of her morning routine however, was waking up to texts from Kirari.

President ❤️: Wakey wakey Saya~ It's Monday so I'll be waiting to see you at school. My cute little secretary. Much love, K

The dark-haired girl smiled down at the message. She was excited as well.


"Thank you very much for looking after your brother, Sayaka. He told me that you guys went to see a friend. May I ask who this friend is?" Mrs. Igarashi asked when she saw Sayaka putting on her shoes, about to leave the house. The teen's mother was so excited in hopes that her daughter had found a boyfriend.

Sayaka looked up from her feet and into her mother's eyes. The girl knew she couldn't tell her mother about her sexuality just yet.
"Yes, we met with an acquaintance from school. The student council president in fact, Momobami Kirari. I am her secretary, remember?"

Mrs. Igarashi sighed. She had wished it to be a boy, but she should have expected with shy Sayaka the chances were one in a million.
"Oh, alright then. Say Sayaka, why don't you try to find a potential husband? You're already a third year and will be graduating before you know it. After high school you should try to find a rich man, one that can provide for you. That way you can be a housewife and not have to worry about finances," her mother said. Sayaka internally cringed at the idea.

Truth was, Sayaka did not want to become a housewife. Ever since she was small, she had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. She wanted to be a working woman and provide for herself. And of course she was gay, so a husband was the last thing she wanted in her future. However, a wife did not sound too bad.

"I'll keep that in mind. I will be off now, see you later Mother."


She arrived to school to a pleasant surprise. Kirari was waiting for her at the school's entrance, and offered Sayaka her hand to walk to the student council room. The two chatted a bit on the way there and entered the room to find Ririka and Mary bickering about something.

"No, I do not want to join the stupid council! Who do you think you are to be up my ass all the time about it? Get over it Ririka, I don't want to join!" Mary exclaimed angrily.

For the past weeks Ririka had been persistent about recruiting Mary for the student council. The white haired girl had tried everything, from following her around school to gambling threats, but nothing seemed to change Mary's mind. Nobody knew Ririka's reason for this.

"Saotome Mary, please lower your volume in the student council room. There are people trying to attend to business," Sayaka interrupted them, walking a few steps closer the the girls on the couch.

Mary sighed. "Yeah okay, sorry. But President, can you please tell your sister to stop bugging me all the time?"

Kirari looked at Mary while positioning her arms to be crossed against her chest.
"Yes, Saotome. I will have a chat with her, you are free to go back to class."

With that, Mary walked out of the room. Both Sayaka and Kirari turned to face Ririka, who had her hands clenched in frustration.

"Thanks a lot, sis. I wasn't done talking to her you know," Ririka said irritated in the deep voice of her mask.

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