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"Ririka, you're finally beginning to understand the material here! Good job!," Mary cheered excitedly for her pupil. Mary had been tutoring Ririka for a few months already, and the two had made great progress together, academically AND friendship-wise. Ever since they had started their friendship, Ririka's feelings had only grown stronger for her pretty blonde tutor. She would never admit it to anyone though, of course. But Kirari had been frequently observing the two, so it was no revelation to her that her sister also loved women. I mean, who could ever resist boobs. Clearly not the Momobami twins.

Aside from her initial realization, Ririka was stuck on what to do next. She certainly couldn't just tell Mary, as she was unsure if she was even interested in girls. Instead, she decided to just keep the emotions to herself, for right now at least. But she always hoped that someday they could be more than just friends.

Sayaka was living a much more desirable life in the Momobami home. She had learned to fit in with the family, and of course, was positively encouraged by her lover. The girls did everything together, from eating, to brushing teeth, to sleeping. Sayaka felt like she had a true place there, right next to Kirari. She desired to be a Momobami.

The event planning for the big senior celebration was going smoothly. With data from Yumemi and the student body, the academy had decided to hold a prom-like event, inspired by American school dances. Sayaka was excited for it, as all 3rd-years would be attending, Kirari & herself included.

Even though Sayaka was now living a better life with the Momobami family, her heart ached for her little brother. Akihiko was always in the back of her mind. She often pondered how he was doing at home with their mother, and how he felt about Sayaka being away. She hoped that he missed her as much as she missed him. And he did.


It was a Sunday afternoon. After a long week of work and school, the residents of the house were all very tired. Sunday was the weekly lazy day.

Sayaka and Kirari were in their bedroom. Kirari was on the large bed reading a book, while her lover was sitting on an ottoman by the large window that granted them view of the outside. Sayaka fidgeted with her hair as she peered into the backyard, twirling her finger around the ends. She was again thinking about her brother. The uncertain girl let out a sigh, which caused Kirari to look up from her book and assert her attention to her lover by the window.

"Saya, are you alright? You're acting unusual. Is there something bothering you? Please tell me, my Lily," Kirari requested worriedly.

Sayaka averted her gaze to Kirari on the bed.
"O-Oh my. I apologize, Love. I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just... thinking. About him."

Kirari did not require Sayaka to say anymore. She knew exactly who "him" was. The boy Sayaka loved most, her lost brother. In an attempt to comfort her, Kirari stood up from the bed and walked over to the ottoman. She kneeled to Sayaka's height and pulled her in for a hug. The hug felt protective and carefree.

"I give you my condolences, Lily. I promise you, one day we will be able to see him again. One day you two will be reunited. Don't give up hope. I'm always here for you, my darling Saya..."

Kirari kissed Saya's forehead. Sayaka allowed herself to close her eyes and take a breath, trying to think positively. She believed Kirari. Kirari would never lie to her. And that is why she didn't worry.

"Thank you, President. I adore you,"

"As do I, Lily. As do I."


hello beautiful human. thank you for reading my story. as always i am sorry for the delays. i know exactly where i want to go with this story, but putting my ideas into words is WAY more challenging than you might imagine. procrastination, writer's block, and school also play a role in why updates may be uncommon. i apologize.
thank you for reading. i apologize that my recent updates may seem a little less interesting , but i assure you, you will not be disappointed with the outcome/ending of this story. don't worry, we still have a few more chapters to go. and who knows, maybe i might even make a sequel.
thank all of my loyal readers again. i love you tremendously. see you in the next one.


Lily Flower || Kirari x SayakaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon