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**fyi, this chapter will be a bit short, as it is only to connect the previous and future ones. thank you.


A Mercedes sedan was driving through the night but came to a halt when it reached a gated mansion. The driver of the vehicle reached out his hand and used his chubby fingers to type in the gate code into a small nearby panel. After a few seconds, the iron gates opened and allowed the car access into the property. It was the Momobami's mansion.

Sayaka was in the backseat of the car, still trying to properly process her situation. The young girl had a lot of questions, one being of what to do next. Ms. Igarashi had just disowned her, so Sayaka did not expect to be welcomed at her old residence ever again. If she wasn't welcomed there, how would she see her younger brother? How would she make sure that he was alright?

These thoughts tore Sayaka down the most. She never had a huge attachment to her mother, but her little brother was a whole different story. She loved him dearly. She cherished the moments they had together as siblings. But now, she would have no choice but to let fate figure things out.

"Igarashi, we have arrived. I will bring your things inside shortly. Please allow me to escort you to the door."

The driver got out of the car and scurried over to Sayaka's side. He opened the car door for her, allowing her to exit.

"Thank you, Sir."

The two walked up to the mighty front doors of the house. The man pushed the doorbell and spoke into the fancy device.

"Madame Momobami, I have retrieved young Igarashi, just as you instructed me to. I request access to proceed."

"Access granted."

The hefty doors automatically opened, revealing Kirari right behind them. Sayaka once again ran into her lover's embrace, as if she had never been in it before. Saya allowed herself to get emotional, as she started to cry in Kirari's arms.

"President... I am lost."

Kirari held the raven-haired girl close. She allowed Sayaka's head to be in her breasts, using them as a pillow.

"Shhhh... My Lily, when you are lost, I shall guide you. When you are broken, I shall repair you. When you cry, I shall wipe your tears away. You are safe with me, my gorgeous girl."

The two girlfriends' embrace lasted about a minute until Mrs. Momobami came into the entry room.

"My my, Sayaka!! You're finally here. Rari told us all about what happened between you and your mother, and I find it absolutely despicable! That filthy witch, you'd be lucky if I didn't send the whole Yakuza on that little-"

Mr. Momobami walked into the room, just in time to pause his wife.

"Ume, dear, let's settle down. We don't want to scare Sayaka away now, do we? For now, let's just offer her our support, and let's not make any harsh decisions, okay?"

Mrs. Momobami sighed. Her husband was right, as always.

"Yes, Yuudai. Got it."

Then, Ume unexpectedly joined Kirari and Sayaka's hug. She wrapped her arms around the huddling girls and rested her head against them. Soon, her husband did the same. It was one big family hug, one full of warmth. For the first time in forever, Sayaka felt like she was a part of a family.

"Sayaka, you are always welcome in our home," Mr. Momobami said. He had his usual deep voice, but there was a softness to it. He really was a kind man.

"That's right! If you anything at all, just call. I am here at home most days, so I will be happy to provide you anything! Don't be afraid to ask!" Ume said to Sayaka. They smiled at each other.

"Thank you very much... Mom."

Ume's eyes widened. A big grin grew on her face, and it was like she was sparkling. The woman giggled and took Sayaka for their own big hug.

"Ohhh~~ She called me 'Mom'!! Kirari, keep this girl forever!" Mrs. Momobami said delightedly.

Kirari and Sayaka blushed. That idea surely didn't sound too bad. Kirari was even thinking about it earlier, what their future would be like together.

"Y-Yes, thanks for your advice, Mama. Now then, I will take Saya up to my room. Driver Yamada should have taken up all of her belongings by now. We will come back down for dinner."

Kirari held out her hand for Sayaka, to which she quickly accepted. Saya walked closer to her, preparing to follow her.

"Of course! Just don't be too loud now, or you'll disturb Ririka!"


oh my gosh. where do i start. well i kinda left you guys lolzies, so uhm hi how you doinggg?? anyways yeah IM SO FRIGIN SORRY I KINDA JUST LOST MOTIVATION BUT IM BACK NOW. I PROMISE I WILL FINISH THIS STORY NO MATTER WHAT. i also wanted to say thank you to all my lovely readers for sticking with this story, always asking for updates, voting, and leaving the nicest comments. i would deadass date all of you. special that you to a frequent supporter, roses_for_love27  I SEE AND APPRECIATE YOU!!!
see you all in the next chapter

with love,

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