xiv. (final chapter)

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(optional suggestion, play the music above at the marked moment) ~

Today was the big day! After weeks of tireless work and careful preparation, the student council had everything ready for the third-year prom celebration. It was to be held at a contemporary banquet hall in the downtown of the city. The hall was adorned in lustrous decor, from the walls draped in sparkling silk, to the extravagant floral centerpieces on each table. Other services like music and catering were already set, so they expected to have a smooth night.


The dance started at 7 o'clock in the evening (19:00), or in another context, in 2 hours. Kirari and Ririka were getting ready at home, while Sayaka and Mary were having their hair and makeup professionally done at a high-class beauty salon. The couples planned to join back at the house before being chauffeured to the venue by the Momobami's driver.

The two damsels found their lavish treatment thrilling. As far as hairstyles, Sayaka adopted a domesticated messy low bun with floral hair accessories, while Mary wore a half up half down braided crown, complete with hair glitter. Regarding makeup, Sayaka went for a soft glam look. Mary settled on quite the contrast, with striking eyeliner harmonized with sparkly eyeshadow.

When the services were complete, the duo squealed with excitement as they looked in the mirrors. The high price tag was worth it, as Mary and Sayaka could not have been more pleased with their new looks. With that done, it was time to get into their formal apparel.

Sayaka chose to wear a golden A-Line gown with white Mary Jane platform pumps. Her jewelry consisted of a lily necklace along with dangling pearl earrings. Looking in the mirror, she couldn't help but smile at herself, genuinely feeling beautiful for the first time in her life.

Mary dressed in a gray tuxedo with black flats. She kept her accessories minimal, only wearing dainty ear cuffs. She smirked at herself in the mirror, admiring her own beauty.


The salon was a great experience for Sayaka and Mary, as it gave them the chance to get to know each other better. They talked about their plans after graduation, the prom, and much more. In fact, Mary even asked for some advice.

"So uh, Sayaka," Mary started. They were already in the car, being driven back to the Momobami's mansion. "When did you realize.. you know... that you liked girls?"

Sayaka looked up from her phone. She was slightly taken aback by this question, especially being asked so unexpectedly. Observing the blonde sitting next to her, Sayaka noticed that Mary was looking down in her lap, almost as if she felt uneasy to even ask. The raven-hair girl decided to interpret the inquiry as pure curiosity and therefore took no offense to it.

"O-Oh... Well, I suppose I have always been this way." She took a breath before she continued, "You see, Kirari is the first woman I have allowed myself to love freely, without deceiving myself of my past heterosexual facade. Before her, I could not come to terms with my true self. But thoroughly examining my school days, I now recognize that I have always felt this way. Kirari just happened to be the one who finally uncovered my heart, and validated my authentic humanity."

Mary listened carefully, taking in Sayaka's words. She looked up and was met with a compassionate smile.

"Mary, is there a part of you that you would like to acknowledge as well?"

The vehicle turned silent. Mary's eyes widened as if she had finally come to a confession point. She was slowly discovering herself and finally felt secure enough with Sayaka to talk about it.

"Actually, yeah. For the past few weeks, I've been feeling differently about Ririka. It started one day when we were just hanging out, and all of a sudden she just turned hot! It was crazy!"

Sayaka laughed. The two girls talked the rest of the way to the mansion. When they arrived, they were greeted in the entry room by Mr. and Mrs. Momobami, with cameras in hand.

"Smile big! Now say cheeeesee!" Mrs. Momobami enthusiastically said, taking a pre-prom picture of Mary and Sayaka in their fancy outfits. The two just went with it and smiled. After all, the night would only happen once.

Kirari and Ririka were now ready to reveal themselves. Ririka came first. She turned into the room, tracking a faint eucalyptus scent with her every step. She was dressed in her form-fitting teal dress, with well-done eyeshadow that matched in color perfectly. Her pale hair was in a sophisticated fishtail braid, and she was wearing silver jewelry.

Sayaka smiled at Ririka. She looked quite pretty. Curiously, Sayaka also snuck a glance at Mary, who she saw was suddenly blushing. She giggled at them.

Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of heels entering the room. Just then, Kirari made her debut. She wore the crimson suit that she bought when shopping with Ririka, with her straight hair free from her usual braids. Kirari had also retired the blue lipstick for black.

Sayaka's jaw dropped. To say she was attracted would be an absolute understatement. In fact, she was totally and undoubtedly enraptured, and blown away by her lover. Never ever had she felt more in love.

Kirari smiled. That sweet, whimsical, mysterious little smile that first drew Sayaka in.  It's as if the two were recreating their first interaction - a pure heart-stopping moment.

Nobody said anything for a while after Kirari's entrance, but that was more than okay. However, the silence had to end sometime.

Sayaka closed her mouth. She took a good look at the woman in front of her. The woman whom she loved more than life itself. Finally, she was able to mutter,

"Kirari. Please say something."

"My Lily, I do not know what to say. All I can say is, that I'm wholeheartedly in love with you, Igarashi Sayaka. Only you."


The group had just arrived at the venue. Upon entrance, they examined the space. Lots of people were already there, most either dancing, chatting, or getting drunk. But it was wonderfully charming.

It didn't take long for Yumeko to come to greet them. She had a bubbly attitude, probably because she was obviously tipsy. Despite that, she led everyone to a hidden upstairs loft where all the student council members were hanging out.

"Hey guys, nice of you to finally make it!" Runa playfully said.

"Yes, this party is quite grand. We really outdid ourselves. Great work everyone," Yuriko praised.

~ (if desired, please play music now)

The night was coming to an end. It had been filled with lots of dancing, socialization, and games. Not gambling games, however, as everyone who wasn't Yumeko or Kirari were traumatized from such.

Sayaka and Kirari were making plans to leave, but before they could walk out, Kirari surprised Sayaka by informing her that they were going on a helicopter ride. Then, once inside the cockpit, Kirari surprised Sayaka yet again by instructing her to wear a blindfold. This way she could not tell where they were going.


After a while, Sayaka felt the helicopter descend and land. The rotor quieted, and the helicopter parked completely. Kirari still didn't allow Sayaka to take off the blindfold, as she insisted it is a special surprise. Instead, she guided her lover out of the aircraft, and onto the ground outside.

Sayaka grew puzzled. Why are we outside? It all became clear when Kirari finally removed the blindfold, and Sayaka finally saw where they were - in the lily field, right next to the tower of doors.

Sayaka gasped. She never expected Kirari to take her here. And what's more to the utter disbelief, that Kirari was on one knee, holding a ring out to Sayaka.

"Sayaka. My loyal secretary, logical girl, best friend, and true love... You have been with me through it all. Through thick and thin, you have always devoted yourself to me. Now, I vow to return the favor. Never in my life have I loved anybody like I love you. So, will you do me the tremendous honor, and be my wife?"

Sayaka couldn't help but tear up. She nodded profusely, as she couldn't even speak from the shock.  Kirari got up and put the ring on her lover's finger. She then pulled her into a hug as Sayaka cried happy tears into Kirari's chest. Kirari kissed the top of her head. In their embrace, they found home.

"I love you more than life itself, Lily."

Lily Flower || Kirari x SayakaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon