Episode 44-Law and justice

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"There is no such thing as justice -in or out of court."

Clarence Darrow.

One day ago,

Purple house, Carbuja.

Jeremy was lead into the president's office by the president's secretary. When they got inside, Jeremy was offered a seat on a leather couch opposite the president and minister Edmund.

"You may leave and please bring some wine," The president said to his secretary.

The secretary bows and left the office and soon, she returned with some servants holding a glass of wine.

"Before we began, let's make a toast." President olusola raised his glass of wine and beckoned Jeremy to do the same.

Jeremy raised his glass of wine and smiled at the president. 

"Here is to our future. A new future!" President olusola toasted and raised his glass of wine up.

Jeremy and minister Edmund also do the same and click their wine cup together before drinking the wine.

"Mr. President sir, I have been thinking about this all through the next. But what is your true reason for wanting to see me?" Jeremy dropped his wine cup and looked at the president.

"Good question Jeremy," president olusola replied and also dropped his wine cup on the table. "I called you here because I admire you. You are a young ambitious man who loves people more than I do. The people praised you than me." President olusola laughed. "I called you here because I want us to bring the feathers down."

As soon as the president said that, Jeremy eyed him suspiciously and cleared his throat. "You want us to bring the feathers down?" Jeremy asked and the president nodded. "But you are the president." He stated.

"Being the president doesn't mean you are lucky. Sometimes I feel being the president is a curse. The citizens don't know the hardship the president of a country goes through." President olusola pointed out sadly.

"I am sorry to hear that sir but you don't put your people on your priority because if you did, then the people won't point fingers at you. It so clear that you have neglected your people. " Jeremy said and the room grew silent. President Edmund gasped while the president just laughed.

"How dare you say that?" Edmund said and pointed an accusing finger at Jeremy. "You can be punished for what you've just said."

"Let's it be Edmund. He is a guest
" president olusola said calmly.

"If you are here because you think we can bring the feathers down then I must say that's you have wasted your time because Jeremy Akinsola will never work with you," Jeremy said and stood up from the leather couch but he soon stumbled and fell to the ground. "What's is going on with me?" He touched his chest as he struggled to breathe.

President Olusola laughed and stood up from his leather couch. "I knew you will turn down my offer because you are just like your father," Olusola said and burst into laughter.

"Y--you know my father?" Jeremy questioned.

"Let's just say Abraham and I were once friends twenty years ago. You are just like your father. Pure, loved by the people and honest." Olusola paced around the room and then he walked towards his window and looked outside. "Daniel Hamilton is a powerful man and he has more power than me so he planned this whole scheme."

Jeremy groaned out in pain and held his chest tightly. It was burning him and he was slowly losing consciousness. He struggled to keep his eyes open but he couldn't as he continued to fall dizzy. "What did you give me?" He questioned.

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