Episode 19-law and justice 📑

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"Delay of justice is injustice."

Walter Savage La
Background music: sad wind chapter 1 by David fesliyan.


Recap: Lara came out of the department, she let out a sigh and read through the result of Timothy's death. She bought her phone out of her trouser pocket and place a call to Jeremy.

"Hello Jeremy, we need to see"

The address of Sola's family that was given to Jeremy by Kemisola turns out to be an old bungalow house. The area looks deserted and only the trees and the bungalow were in the area. There was a sense of abandonment to the building.

Jeremy and Yomi walked to the front of the bungalow and knocked on the wooden door.

At first, nobody answered but then he knocked again.

"Are you sure this is the right address?"Jeremy asked.

"This is the address because we are in truth avenue. "Yomi replied.

Jeremy raised his hand to knock again but before he could, the door opened and an old man who looks to be around seventy years cleared his throat to gain their attention.

"Who are you? And what are you doing on my property?"The old man asked in a threatening voice.

Jeremy remove his firm card from his suit pocket and raised it to show the old man but, yomi slapped his hand away.

"We come in peace. We're friends with sola before she died, "Yomi told the old man but, the old man gave him a suspicious look.

"You were friends with sola?"The old man asked them and they both nodded.

"Come inside. Any friend of sola is my child, "the man invited them into the house.

The inside of the house looks old and abandoned. The green paint on the wall peeled and flaked as though the house had a disease of the skin. The boards of the floor look neglected like it hasn't been cleaned for years. Webs from spiders adorned every corner of the living room.

Jeremy and yomi had to cover their mouth and nose due to the nauseating smell that was coming out from the couches in the living room.

"will you both take water?" the old man offered.

Jeremy and Yomi looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No thanks," they both said at the same time.

"Lillian, Adeola. Some friends of sola are here," the old man called.

Two women came out of a room that's was opposite the living room. One was an old woman who wore a tattered blue gown while the other was a young lady who look to be around 20 years of age.

"Who are you guys? Sola doesn't have any friends." the older woman yelled.

"Um, um, we are..... "Jeremy stuttered not knowing what to say.

The old woman walked to him and slapped him on the face. She pulled him up by the collar of his suit.

"How dare you come here and tell us lies? Sola had no friends. You were sent by that evil old man who killed my daughter!"The old woman cried.

Yomi get in between them and freed Jeremy from the woman's grip.

"We were not sent by any man. We came here because we needed your help. Someone else is suffering for the crime she didn't commit and only you could help."

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