Episode 59-Law and justice

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"The love of justice is, in most men, nothing more than the fear of suffering injustice."

Francois de la Rochefoucauld.

After the unfortunate incident at the city park, Lisa was rushed into STAND hospital. It was the closest hospital to the city park. Mary and kemisola followed the ambulance to the hospital while Kendra and Paul drove behind the Ambulance. Lisa was rushed into the operating theatre as soon as they got to the hospital.

"Wait here," one of the doctors instructed Mary and Kemisola to wait outside the operating room.

"Okay," Mary answered back and took the waiting chairs outside the room.

Kemisola paced around the hallways with her arms folded together. "This shouldn't have happened." She voiced out.

Soon, Kendra and Paul arrived at the hospital and saw them in the hallways. Kendra rushed to Kemisola and called her name. "Kemi," she called.

Kemisola turned her head to face the person who was calling her and she was shocked when she found out who it was. She gasped but quickly covered her mouth.

"Kendra," Mary stood up from where she sat and stared at Kendra like she was a ghost.

"I know you are surprised to see me but I can explain," Kendra quickly tells them.

"Explain!" Kemisola shouted at her. "We searched for you. My brother put his life online for you. We thought something happened."

When Kendra opened her mouth to speak, Mary shut her up by embracing her. "Where have you being?" Mary simply asked.

Kendra sighed and then explained everything that had happened to her from when she was attacked and when she was found on the street. The only part she left out was when Yomi found her on the street.

"That's bad. I am happy you are fine." Mary said to her.

"How is Lisa?" Kendra questioned.

It was Kemisola who answered her question. She looked at Mary and pointed an accusing finger at her. "She is in a critical stage because of her."

"Don't blame me," Mary retorted. "I didn't do anything wrong." She defended herself.

"Really?" Kemisola scoffed and click her tongue. "You did something when you posted that video. As if that wasn't enough, you went ahead to plan a stupid protest which...."

Mary didn't let her finished as she cut her off and replied. "You keep blaming me for everything. You blamed me for your brother's kidnap and now this," she shouted at Kemisola. "Why are you acting like a coward?"

"I am not a coward. You are just selfish. You don't care about putting anyone in danger as long as you get what you want. That's why Linda is dead. It's all because of you." Kemisola accused.

Mary stood dumbfounded and couldn't say anything. The only thing that could be heard from her was her silent sobs. She walked back to the chair and buried her face in her hand.

"That's was out of it. You shouldn't have talked about Linda like that." Kendra scolded her. She had been watching them exchange words but decides not to interrupt them because she felt they could settle the fight but Kemisola's last words were cruel to ignore.

"Well, it not my fault she couldn't handle the truth," Kemisola said.

"You are a bitch!" Mary stood up and pointed a finger at Kemisola's face.

"Don't call me that. you are the bitch here." Kemisola retorted.

"Enough girls." Kendra tried to stop them but they shut her up.

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