Chapter 5- better and better

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-.-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-.-.-.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!!" I woke up to the sound of a scream. I realized it was Sapphire, I shot up from and sprinted to Sapphires room. Not bothering to knock I barged in. "SAPPHIRE ARE YOU OK?!?" I asked. I saw that Sapphire had tear stains on her face. My eyes soften at the sight of her crying. I walked up to her and held her in my arms. "Aw... My baby are you ok?" I asked, concern laced in my voice. "Y-yea just a nightmare.... Tara can you stay here tonight?" She asked. "Of course baby girl." I answered. Next thing you know the I hear two people yelling. "SAPPHIRE YOU OK?!?" Asked Violet. "Y-yea lil' sis." Answered Sapphire. "You sure?" Asked Chance. "Yea I'm s-sure." She answered. "Guys go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow." I said. "K k..." Said Violet. "Fine." Chance said, and with that they left us alone. I got up and closed the door, then sat back down on the bed. "Come here Sapphire." I said as I held my arms out asking for a hug. She giggled and hugged me, we both fell on the bed (now don't think anything naughty;D) and fell asleep.


I opened my eyes but immediately closed them, then opened them again letting them adjust to the sunlight. I groaned remembering today was the first day of school. I shifted myself so that I was facing Sapphire and started shaking her. She groaned but woke up. "What time is it?" She asked. "It's 6:30." I answered looking at the clock on the wall. "Why do you wake me up at this hour?" She asked while getting up from the bed. "Because today is the firs day of school now get ready." I answered as I went to take a shower. After 10 minutes I came out of the shower and went to the closet.

I came out with a gray long-sleeved over sized shirt, black hoodie, and dark gray Baggie pants. After that I went back to the bathroom and put on my brown contacts. After I was done I went down stairs and started cooking breakfast. After I was done I set the table and called my siblings. "GUYS BREAKFASTS READY!!!" I yelled. All three of them came running down and tripping over each other. "BACON!!" Yelled Sapphire as she looked at the table. On the table were four plates each with two pancakes with syrup and three strips of bacon.

They dashed to the table and ate like wolves, well we are wolves. After we were done it was 7:25. "Guys hurry up we have 35 more minutes." I yelled to the guys they all got their book bags and followed me out the door.

-.-.-.-Time Skip-.-.-.-.-.-30 min-.-.-.-.-.-

"We are here guys." I said in a whisper. I turned to Sapphire and saw she was wearing a black tank top with 'BO$$' in gold letters and black skinny jeans, she had a diamond earrings, that are not real. I then turned to Violet and saw she was wearing a yellow t-shirt and green skinny jeans, she had green and yellow feather earrings. Then I turned to Chance and saw he had a white V-neck and jeans.

"Ok guys put on your scent maskers." I said while taking out a perfume bottle and sprayed on my scent masker. The others did the same, so now we smell like humans. "K lets go guys." I said as we went to the office. When we entered we were greeted by a lady in her mid 50s. "Um.. Hello we are here for our schedules." I said as I pointed to the others. "Ah yes what are your names sweethearts?" She asked. "I'm Tara Collins, they are Sapphire, Violet, and Chance Collins." I answered for them. "Thank you dear here are your guys schedules, locker number, and locker combination (i think that's how you say it :p)." she said as she gave each of us papers. I checked my schedule and saw I had

1. English

2. Art

3. Math

4. Science


5. History

6. Free period

7. P.E

8. Spanish

I checked the other guys schedules and saw we have every class with at least one of us except for 3rd and 7th period. We heard the bell ring and I had first period with Chance. When we heard the bell ring we all separated ways and headed to class. Me and Chance got lost but finally found our lockers witch were right next to each other. After we put our books and other things in our locker we headed to our class. I took us ten minutes but we finally got there. I knocked on the door then opened it.

"Where have you two been?" He asked a little irritated. I nudged Chance and he took the hint. "We got lost sorry sir." Answered Chance. "Oh ok well would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Asked our teacher. We both nodded and stepped in the class so every one can see us. "Hello my name is Chance Collins." Chance said. I looked around and saw some girls looking at him with lust. Disgusting, but that doesn't matter since he is waiting for his mate, like he hasn't even had his first kiss.

My brother looked at me then I looked at the class and gulped. "H-hello my n-name is Tara C-Collins." I said stuttering. Every one looked at me with curios, disgusted, or bored eyes. I gulped and was about to ask the teacher where I was going to sit but the teacher had other plans. "So does any one have questions for the new students?" Asked the teacher.

'Sh*t no no no' I thought, but did not dare say anything out loud. A girl rose her hand by the clothes she's wearing she is a slut (yes I know this word now deal with it). "Yes Cindy." Said the teacher. "How are you two related, like the guy is hot but you look like a piece of trash that was left in the dump?" She asked but she was also trying to insult me (no sh*t Sherlock). Chance was about to answer but I beat him to it. "You can't call me a piece of trash I you only seen my face, idiot." I answered. Everyone was shocked but this Cindy girl was mad like really mad, oops did I get the b*tch mad because she is a wolf I can smell it and its disgusting.

'I can see my life is just getting better and better'


Hello there my unicorns,

As you can see I decided to start cursing in this chapter, but let me tell you that Tara WONT curse unless she is really mad SOO this book won't have so much cursing in case you were wondering.
I also wanted to start a new thing witch is like fun fact of the day so yea😝

Bye bye my unicorns

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