Chapter 25- war and more

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-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-


Tyler didn't lie when she said she was weird. Because now we're here fighting with sticks with people cheering us on.

Well it was more like Tyler trying to land a hit on me and me dodging. I sighed and decided to end it. I balled my hands into fists and swung.

Tyler dodged.

Wow. She's pretty good. I smirked and decided to actually try. I tried to kick her side but she jumped. When she landed I heard a shatter. I looked at Tyler's knee and saw that the bowl shattered. Her knee was all bloody.

I snapped my head back to face her. "Go Tyler!" Most people shouted. "Go Tara!" I heard my mate yell. I giggled in my mind and dodged a kick that Tyler threw at me.

Then I had an idea. Time to do it like the old times. Tyler kept throwing punches and kicks while I dodged. I tried to find a way to land on her.

Where.... C'mon... Work with me here... Wait... Found it!

While Tyler spun to kick me and jumped on her shoulders. "Ayayayayay!" I yelled while slamming the metal spoon (the one you use for eating) on her head. When I saw it didn't do damage I decided to step it up a bit.

I threw the spoon who knows where and grabbed the wooden spoon that was bigger than the metal one. I started slamming that spoon on her head. "Ow!" I heard the magical word escaping Tyler's mouth. I kept slamming it one her head. The next hit harder than the last.


That sound echoed through the whole room. I looked up to see half of the wooden spoon in my hand. I threw it behind me and took out the bad boy. Now I started bashing the spatula on Tyler's head. She was spinning around and leaning back trying to get me off her shoulders but I wouldn't have it.

"Ayayayaya!" I yelled as I hit the her one last time before I saw something in my face.

It was a bra.

The bra was white and tied on a stick. I looked down and saw Tyler panting while holding the other end of the stick. "Uh.." Was all I said before getting off of Tyler. "I surrender." She said still panting. "What?" I asked.

She then shoved the bra on a stick I my face. "The white flag of surrender!" She yelled. "Oh..." I said. "Well bye!" I yelled running to Xavier.

"Cmon lets go." I said dragging Xavier out the door. "Wait!" We heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Tyler running towards us. "Bye come back soon! I owe you Starbucks!" She said with a grin on her face.

"Ok! Bye bye!" I yelled waving. Me and Xavier got in the car and buckled up. Xavier placed his hands on the wheel and started driving.

When we got to the pack house we immediately went to Xavier's room. When we got to his room I sat on his bed while Xavier went to his shelf of movies trying to pick out a movie.

"Conjuring?" He asked. "No." I answered.

"The Maze Runner?"

"Just watched it."




"No! Why would you even ask that?!"

"Sorry. Hm... What about Mean Girls?"

"What? Never watched that and I don't think I ever will."

It enter on like that. Xavier asking me If a wanted to watch this movie and with me saying 'No'.

After a while we finally came to an agreement. We were watching 'Blended. I love that movie.

After a while I heard Xavier burst out in laughter when the girl basically dragged Adam Sandler with her parachute.

When the movie ended Xavier was in tears because of how much he was laughing. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. "Tired?" i heard Xavier ask.

I nodded and laid my head on the bed. I felt the bed dip and saw Xavier patron the space next to him. I crawled next to Xavier and snuggled closer to him. I then fell into a blissful sleep.


I woke up to the sunshine through the window. I tried to get up but was pushed back down. I looked at my waist and saw a hand wrapped around it tightly.

I suddenly felt like my lower half was going to explode. I tried with all my strength and successfully lifted the arm of my waist.

I ran to the bathroom and satisfied my needs of peeing. Suddenly someone started banging loudly on the bathroom door. "Tara?!" I heard Xavier yell from the other side. "Yea?!" I yelled. Suddenly the banging stopped.

I walked to the door and unlocked it. The door burst open and Xavier pulled me into his chest. "Uh... Ok." Was all I said.

He pulled back and slammed his lips onto mine. That took me by surprise but I got over it and kissed back. Our lips moved in sync and it felt like fireworks were exploding. I felt something trail on my bottom lip and noticed Xavier was asking for an entrance.

I gladly let him in and our tongues fought for dominance. And of course I won.

Xavier growled in the kiss and pushed me on the bed that I didn't know was behind us. We then parted for breath with a string of saliva connecting our mouths.

(Warning: gets heated)

Xavier slammed his lips back onto mine and trailed his hand up my shirt. I did the same and traced circles on his eight-pack. Xavier then parted and took of my shirt.

I giggled and did the same to his shirt. After our shirts were off Xavier yet again slammed his lips on mine. This kiss was filled with want and lust.

I growled and flipped us so I was on top. Xavier parted and chuckled. He grabbed my upper thighs and started grinding on each other.

Suddenly the best thing happened.


1002 words



Anyways guys hope you liked this chapter

And if you didn't well boohoo


Ok anyways remember to






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