Chapter 7- Think you can escape

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-.-.-.-.-.Xavier's P.O.V-.-.-

'Sh*t sh*t sh*t, I'm going to be late' I thought as I ran through the school. This school is so big I wouldn't be surprised if I got lost. I was late because I couldn't sleep after having a nightmare about the Rouges that my dad talked about, attacking our territory.

After I finally found the English class I knocked on the door and heard the teacher groan and a muffled 'Come in'
I went in and quickly got lustful stares from most of the girls. I was used to having girls stare at me. The teacher glared at me and I was urged to turn. I finally turned and was met with brown eyes (remember she's wearing brown contacts) my wolf kept on shouting something in my head but I ignored her and kept looking at these brown eyes. Finally I decided to see what Ace, my wolf, had to say.

'MATE MATE SHE'S OUR MATE' he shouted in my head. Oh god my mate was a human. A HUMAN. But I can't reject her because I heard what rejection does to a wolf. So I just kept staring into her eyes until she turned away and started blushing. Wow she looks cute when she blu- WHAT AM I SAYING I JUST MET HER. But she is my mate. Great this is going to be hard. I have to be-friend her than make her fall head-over-heels for me and blah blah blah you know the rest.

I sighed and walked to my seat witch was next to hers. She looked at me with wide eyes and then looked back at her notes. When I say down the teacher went back to teaching. I completely ignored him and glanced at my mate next to me to see she was writing notes in her black spiral notebook. I kept having this feeling someone was watching me so I turned to see a guy with blonde hair and icy eyes glaring at me. I glared right back witch seem to make him more mad. My mate must have have felt something wrong be aide she looked up and saw me glaring at the guy and started glaring at both of us. I couldn't believe her I was an Alpha I deserve respect, but then I remembered she was a human.

Then I started wondering why was she glaring at the guy from across the room like they were having a mental conversation. Were they dating? After thinking that my wolf and I got mad. I decided to talk to her. "Hey there." I said. "Hi." she replied not taking her eyes of the board. "My name's Xavier. What's yours? I asked. "Tara. Tara Collins." she answered finally looking at me. Tara, what a beautiful name. "Cool name." I said. She looked at me shocked and then went back to looking at the board. Wow Xavier that's all you could think of. "What do you have next class?" I blurted out. She took out a piece of paper from her book bag and looked at it then answered. "Art. My next class is art." She answered. Oh so she's an artist. I was about to ask her what she draws but the bell rang. She quickly packed up and left. I tried to find her but I lost her.

'You think you can escape my little mate?,



A teenager managed to pose as a doctor at a hospital in Florida for at least one month until he was reported by a patient. Wow Florida.

Hey there my unicorns,

I hope you liked this chapter and I know it short but this was something I thought of before I had to go to sleep. Sorry I'll try to update early

Bye-bye my unicorns

I thought I was aloneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ