Chapter 3- life is too fast

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"Stop." I said




"Stop or I'm going to bite that finger." I threatened







"Ow!" Yelled Sapphire holding the finger I bit.

"I warned you." I said innocently.

"Yea yea anyways we have like 10 minutes till the plane lands so... Cmon." Sapphire informed me

"Ok got it." I said

"10 more minutes until we arrive at Los Angeles." Said the pilot. "Told you." said Sapphire. "Who said you were lying?" I asked "No one." She mumbled

"Hey let's sit down we are about to land." Said Chance. "K k." I said

-.-.-.-Time Skip-.-.-.-.-10 min-.-.-.-.-.-.-

When we arrived Sapphire was the first one out the plane. "Wow I never knew I would be this happy to see the concrete floor." She said "Cmon we need to get to the plane to Oregon before it leaves without us." I said "Tara calm down we have one or two hours to get there." Said Violet "Then we shall head to Wendy's." I said

We ordered and sat down to eat

-.-.-.-.-Time Skip-.-.-1 Hour-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

"Cmon! The plane is going to leave us!" I shouted. "Tara! Calm down! The plane won't leave us now let's go." Said Violet. We started walking to the plane and we arrived in 15 min.

"See what I told you." Said Violet
"Yea yea." I said as we got on the plane.

* * *

"We have completed our mission." Said Sapphire when we got out the plane.

"K we need a taxi." I said then like on cue a taxi stopped in front of us.

"Hello there how may I help you?" Asked the cab driver. " Can you take us to **********." I said "Ok miss."

We got in the cab and headed to the address. When we got there we got out the cab and headed into the house. It was beautiful and just cost 2,000 a month. It has 2 floors, 6 rooms, the living room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 bathrooms which means one for each of us. I went up the stairs to my room and when I entered I couldn't believe it was my room. It was huge, the walls were sky blue and it had two doors. I opened the door on the left and it was the bathroom it was a decent size, not to bid and not to small, and I loved it like that. Then I went to the door on the right I opened and it was a huge walk-in closet. I went back out and started unpacking

* * *

After I was done unpacking I decided go make dinner since it was 6:30 p.m.
so I went downstairs, to the kitchen and notices we haven't bought groceries. 'Dang it I wanted to make lasagna.' I thought. "Sapphire!" I yelled. "What?!" She asked. "I'm going to get groceries wanna come?" I asked. "Sure why not!" She answered yelling. "Get ready!" And with that I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready.

When I was done with the shower I went into my closet and picked out a plain white strapless dress that ends at my knees.

"Tara are you ready?" Asked Sapphire.
"Yea." I answered. I went downstairs and saw Sapphire wearing the same dress as me but blue.

"K lets go." I said we went outside and followed the dirt path into the forest. After a few minutes of silence we emerged from the trees into the city (well more like suburb area) "Cmon! Let's go to Costco!" Yelled an overly excited Sapphire. She started running. "Hey! Wait for me!" I yelled as I started running after her.

* * *

"We have reached our destination." Said Sapphire. Of course she wasn't tired neither was I because we are Werewolves (did I say that in the beginning, I don't think I did well now you know) well Rouges to be exact. If you don't know what Rouges are they are pack less wolves, most Rouges are evil creatures and are killed immediately if seen, so that's why we move a lot. Anyway we went in the store and started buying groceries.

"Tara, why did we move to a house close to a pack?" Asked Sapphire. "Because it was the only house I could rent." I answered. "Oh." Was all Sapphire said. "When are we going to start school?" She asked again. "I already enrolled us to SunPark Valley Highschool." I amswered once again. Sapphire and Violet were sophomores
Chance is a junior and I am a senior

'Wow life is going way to fast'

I thought I was aloneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat