Chapter 24- declaring war

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-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-

After I finished the movie I went looking for Tyler. I took me about five minutes 'till I found Tyler's scent. I followed it into a room and I opened it.

Oh how I wish I didn't.

There was Tyler making out with the guy that I bumped into earlier. "Ah! My virgin eyes! It stings! It stings!" I yelled which startled them.

"Well hello there." I said while waving. "Hey!" Tyler said while getting off of the guy and ran to me. "Let me guess you lost your virginity." I said while raising an eyebrow. "How did you know!" she yelled. "Oh.. I don't know... Maybe 'caused you were Uh... Making out with him with no shame!" I yelled out the last part.

She giggled and rubbed the nape of her neck nervously. "Sweetie! Can you get me Starbucks!" Tyler yelled at her mate. "Ugh... Fine." He said. He got up and went out of the room. "Get one for Tara too!" She yelled. "Ok!" He yelled back.

"But I don't want one." I mumbled. Tyler gasped dramatically and smacked my hand. "Don't say that! I need to teach you how to be a proper white girl!" She yelled while dragging to another room which I was guessing was the living room.

"Ok! First step: you need to learn to love Starbucks!" She said while grabbing a cup.

After about an hour of me running around trying to catch a cup that was supposed to be Starbucks, I heard the doorbell ring. I stopped chasing the cup and ran towards the door. Before I opened the door I asked who it was. I already made that mistake once and it won't happen again (oh a clue (; ).

"It's Daniel." The person on the other side said. "Sorry no ones home." I said. "Open the door!" The guy on the other side yelled. I ran towards the kitchen and took out the biggest knife I saw. I heard the door open and I hid in the kitchen.

I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and I took a deep breath. I quietly moved closer to the entrance. I heard someone sigh on the other side of the wall. "Attack!" I yelled. I ran out and tackled the intruder and tried to stab them but they were good at dodging.

"Tara!" I heard Tyler yell. "Leave! I won't let him hurt you!" I yelled still trying to stab the intruder. Suddenly the knife stopped in mid-air. I looked down and saw Tyler's mate all sweaty and smelly.

"O-oh... Well hello there..." I said awkwardly. He just laughed and got up. "Aw... Come on!" Tyler yelled. I turned around and saw Tyler pouting while looking at the two Starbucks cups on the floor. "Oh calm down you already had one!" I shrugged.

She slowly turned to look at me when she was facing me she gave me a hard glare. "What?!" She gritted out through her teeth.

"You heard me." I said smirking. She yelled out in rage and ran after me.

After about another hour wasted in Tyler chasing me I heard the doorbell ring. Daniel had carried Tyler to their room and locked the door. Who knows what their doing. I asked who was at the door and got a muffled answer.

I sighed and went to the dining room and grabbed one chair. I dragged the chair and placed it in front of the door. I stood on the chair and looked through the peep hole. Their was Xavier with many McDonald's bags in his arms and some were even I his mouth.

I got off of the chair and dragged it back to the dining room. I walked back up and opened the door. Xavier looked at me wide eyed and dropped all the bags In his arms. Aw... What a waste.

He engulfed he in his arms and pecked my cheek. "Why did you leave?" He asked with hurt laced in his voice. I looked at him and saw hurt, betrayal, and sorrow in his eyes. Aw... Now I feel horrible.

"I didn't I just went for a run and lost track of time." I said softly. I gently placed a hand on his cheek and stroked my thumb on his soft skin.

His eyes went from sorrow to happiness. I giggled but then noticed something. My wires! Oh no! What happened (haha bet you think I forgot about it)! I touched my mouth and felt nothing. "Oh God!" I yelled out loud. "What?! What?!" Xavier yelled frantically.

"My wires they disappeared form my mouth!" I explained. His looked confused but then widened his eyes. "What happened?!" He asked. "I don't know!" I said while running in the house with Xavier behind me.

After a few minutes I gave up. "Forget it my jaw is healed any ways." I said. Xavier sighed and nodded. Then we heard a laugh. It didn't sound very humorous. It sound insane.

"Tara!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw Tyler covered in tin foil while holding a branch. "What are you wearing?" I asked. "Tara I don't know your last name! I challenge you to a duel! Winner has to buy the other Starbucks!" She yelled.

I looked at her confused. "You have an hour to get ready for war!" She yelled and ran off. "What? I asked. Suddenly I felt someone drag me to the kitchen.

I looked up and saw Xavier up their. "What are you doing?" I asked. "We need to get ready!" He yelled. I groaned and nodded my head while being.

____Time Skip brought to you by KitchenAid_

I gaped at my reflection on the mirror. I looked like an idiot.

I was a pan duck taped to my stomach, bowls taped to my knees and elbows, tin foil wrapped around my face only leaving holes for my eyes and mouth. I had napkins taped to the exposed skin on my arms and legs. I also had another huge pan taped to my back.

"Last but not least." Xavier said. He handed me a spatula, silver spoon, and a wooden spoon. "Why are we doing this?" I asked. Before he could answer Tyler barged in wearing a somewhat same get up as me.

"Let's get this started!"


1056 words


Sharks are a immune to cancer. Scientists you can start violently murdering Sharks now.

Hey guys,

Hope you liked this chapter

Anyways it's longer than the others

Remember to






I thought I was aloneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz