Chapter 12- Shopping!

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-.-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-

I groaned and covered my eyes from the sunlight. I slowly got up and threw on black sweat pants and a white T-shirt.

I went downstairs and started breakfast. I cooked pancakes with bacon. When I was done I yelled Taft breakfast was ready.

My siblings come rushing down the stairs and tripping on each other. I laughed in amusement while watching Chance falling down the stairs because the tripped over Sapphire's foot. I watched with amusement as all three of them turned into black holes and sucked their food in seconds.

Sapphire and Violet looked at me and smirked. Oh no! We ran around the house 'till Sapphire talked me too the ground and was soon joined by Violet.

I groaned and tried to push off the two but failed. I looked up at them expecting them to give me an explanation as to why they are doing this.

"Did you forget 'bout shopping already Tara?" Asked Sapphire. My eyes got as wide as saucers. "Oh no! Get off me I need to get ready!" I yelled at the two. Sapphire giggled and got off me. As soon as both of them got off me I sprinted to my room.

I ran over to my phone on the nightstand and went to Allison's contact and texted her.

'Hey what time are you going to pick us up'

'Oh, I was thinking I could pick you up at one'

'Ok great that gives me time to get ready'

'KK give me your address and I'll see you I at one'

'K my address is 49 Garner street'

'KK see you at one'

'KK see you too'

I put my phone down my phone and looked at the clock. 11:36 it read so I have an hour and twenty-four minutes. I ran up to my closet and picked out a big red hoodie with the word 'Love' written on the hoodie in fancy letters. I also picked out some baggy jeans and some red undergarments.

I went to the bathroom with my clothes and stripped out of the clothes I was wearing. I turned on the shower and waited outside for it to warm up.

After I was done with my shower it was 12:24. Wow time flys. I picked up my clothes and threw them on. When I was done I put my hair in a low pony tail and flicked my hood on. I put one contact on the tip of my finger and carefully placed it in my eye. I blinked a couple of times and stared in the mirror and giggled a little when I saw myself with a left brown eye and a right icy blue eye.

After I was done it was 12:56 so I had four minutes left. I went downstairs and saw Sapphire on the couch ready. She looked up from her phone and smiled. "So what time are they going to pick us up?" She asked. "In four minutes actually." I answered. "Oh." was all Sapphire said.

Suddenly I heard a car honking. Sapphire flew out of her seat and out the door. I giggled and followed her. Outside was a cherry red Ferrari with Allison and Brittany inside. "Cmon is that what you gonna wear." Said Brittany with a little disappointment in her voice. I merely nodded my head.

We got in the car and we drove to the mall. Allison's hand traveled to the radio and turned the radio on.

The song 'Potential Breakup Song' by Aly & Aj.

'It took to long

It took to long

It took to long for you to call back

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