Chapter 26- excitment and sickness

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-.-.-Xavier's P.O.V-.-.-

I woke up and found myself naked in a bed with a blonde girl. Wait.. No! No! No! I don't sleep with her did I?!

I grabbed a piece of the girls hair and brought it up to my nose to take a sniff. Whew! Thank god!

I smelled the same vanilla scent of mate. Wait...

I shook Tara trying to wake her up. She stirred and slowly opened her beautiful blue orbs. I grabbed her chin and lightly tilted her head up.

There it was. It was as beautiful as her. It was the mark.

It was a ying yang circle but with Wolves instead. The white wolf's ear was black and the black wolf's ear was white.

Then I heard a gasp come from Tara and she pointed to my neck. I got up and went in front of the mirror and saw the same mark on my neck.

I heard Tara giggle and I just had to chuckle. I went back to the bed and picked up Tara by the waist. "We did it!" I said while spinning Tara around. "I know I can believe it!" She said while pecking my cheek.

Then I noticed that we were both naked and I chuckled again. I placed Tara done on the bed and mind-linked Allison.

'Hey Allison do you have some clothes Tara could borrow?' I asked through mind-link

'Sure' she answered before cutting of our link

I looked back at Tara and saw she was looking at my mark. "It's beautiful." She said. "Yours looks like mine." I told her. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she ran to the mirror. "Wow! it really does!" She said excitedly.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked her while resting my chin on her shoulder. "Winter wants to go on a run." She said. "Who's Winter?" I asked. "My wolf." She answered.

I nodded my head and followed Tara to the bathroom. "Why are you following me?" She asked. "Aren't we gonna take a shower together?" I asked while smirking. "Fine but no funny business. My legs are sore from the first one." She said. I nodded my head and followed her.

She turned on the shower and got in since we were still naked. I got in with her and saw Tara dip her head under the warm water. I got the shampoo and squirted some on my hand.

I washed Tara's hair and massaged her head. After I was done with Tara, I got in front of her and motioned for the shampoo. She nodded with a blush and reached for the shampoo.

She squirted some on her hand and massaged my scalp. After she was done I rinsed the shampoo off and turned off the shower. We both got out and wrapped our bodies in towels.

We both went outside and saw Allison on our bed, smirking. "Wow. Finally." She said. "Hey at least I did it before you." I said while sticking my rogue out at her. She glared at me and growled. "Hey wanna visit my brother?" I heard Tara ask. Allison's face lit up and she nodded.

"Ok. Oh and take Ted and Josh." Tara said. Allison gave her a thumbs up and ran off.

She giggled and we both noticed the pile of clothes on our bed. Tara got the clothes and dropped the towel. She went to the closet and changed.

After a while she came out. And let me tell you she looked cute. She was wearing a hot-pink, slightly baggy, long-sleeved shirt that said 'Unicorns are my favorite' and some ripped up jeans (on the side).

She giggled and pointed to the closet. I went in and changed into a black V-neck and some dark blue jeans.

When I can't out Tara was looking at me up and down. "Like what you see?" I asked cockily. "I've seen better." She answered. I growled at her answer and she giggled. "Just kidding." She said before pecking my lips.

We both went down stairs and into the Dining room. Most of the pack was talking or eating. Everyone stopped and looked at us as soon as we stepped in the room. Everyone started growling at Tara except for my family, Brittany, and Mike.

I growled and everyone looked at me shocked. "Don't disrespect your Luna like that!" I yelled. Everyone bowed their heads. "What?!" I heard a high-pitched voice screeched. I turned around and saw Cindy.

"How dare you take my mate away from me?!" She yelled at Tara. "Excuse me?! He's my mate!" Tara yelled. "No! The Moon Goddess wouldn't pair him with a b*tch like you!" She yelled. I growled and caught both of their attention.

"Don't call my mate a b*tch." I yelled at Cindy. "Your just confused! Your not her mate! The Moon Goddess would pair you up with someone like me not a b*tch like her!" She yelled. I snapped.

I punched her square on the face.

"That's it! I, Xavier White, ban you, Cindy Willow, from the Dark Moon Pack!" I yelled. Her eyes widened and she ran away. Probably out of the territory.

I grabbed Tara and pulled her towards my chest. She giggled and pecked my cheek. I dragged her to a chair and pulled it out. "Thank you." She said before sitting down. I pulled out the chair next to her and sat down.

After we ate I carried Tara to our room. I placed her on our bed and grabbed my laptop. Tara snatched my laptop and went on YouTube.

We spent the next hour or so watching Pewdiepie, Markiplier, and CinamontoastKen(did I spell that right?). We were both in tears when we finished because of how much we laughed.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 12:00 am ( they did 'it' and woke at dinner time). Suddenly Tara rushed to the bathroom. I followed her and saw that she was puking her guts out. "Are you ok?" I asked her.



1029 words



Anyways what will happen to Tara?

Is she pregnant? Is she not?

What will happen?

We may never know!

Jk you'll find out in the next chapter

Anyways remember to




GIVE ME MONEY (seriously I need money I'm broke :( )


I thought I was aloneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt