Chapter 8- Memories

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-.-.-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-

I woke up to the sunshine through my eyelids. I groaned, but then I noticed my increase in temperature and stuffy nose.

'No, no, no dang it I'm sick ugh' I thought as I went for my phone and yelled "HELP RAPE!" I heard many footsteps racing towards my door. "TARA WHERE ARE YOU?!" Yelled Chance. "Right here." I answered with a giggle. They all let out a sigh of relief. "Don't scare us like that." Violet told me. "Yea yea anyways straight to the point uh... I'm sick." I told them. They looked at me shocked, like me, if your wondering why, it's because I rarely get sick. Anyways they looked at each other and nodded, I guess they used mind- link. "We're staying with you." Sapphire told me. I groaned because there was no point in arguing because when Sapphire makes up her mind there's no way to change it. "Ok fine." I said.

"You should get some rest while you can." Violet told me. "KK." I said back at her. I laid back on my pillow and drifted into darkness.


"Mommy! Mommy!" A little girls voice was heard. "Look! Look! Chance is dressed like a princess!" Yelled the little girl to her mom. An older looking woman giggled "Is that true, Tara." said the woman to her child, or Tara. "Yea and I took a picture look!" I said to my mom( it's still in Tara's P.O.V). "Really well tell your siblings that lunch is ready." My mom told me. I ran as fast as my little legs can take me up the stairs and into my sisters room. I opened the door to see Chance trying to get the make up off and the twins giggling. "Guys mommy says lunch is ready." I said as Chance finished getting the make up off and the twins running out the door to the back yard.

When we were all there, me and my siblings started playing tag and ran in the woods by our house. "Tara be careful out there!" My dad yelled. "Yea I know daddy!" I yelled back. We went deeper into the woods then I noticed the air was a little different. "Guys! We should go back!" I said, we all turned to go back to our safe home until we heard a growl. I turned around and was faced with a huge black wolf with green eyes like the forest(a-wank-wank😉). To me it looked beautiful, but then I remembered we lived close to pack territory, which means we are in the territory. I backed up a little when four more wolfs showed up, one light brown, one dark brown, and two gray ones. Me and my siblings were scared so we did what any child would do.

We ran.

We ran as fast as we could.

We ran until our house was in sight. "MOMMY! DADDY!" I yelled, both of them shot up and saw us running. They ran towards us and my mom asked"what happened?!" I was to scared to answer so Chance did it for me. "Big wolfs were chasing us." he answered. My mom and dad paled, and muttered a few curse words that were cut off by growling. We turned around to see the five wolfs. My mom pushed us behind them. They both shifted and got in a fighting stance. Me and my siblings were huddled together, scared of what was going to happen.

I looked up to me my parents bowing down. I looked back to my siblings do the same, they all bowed down except for me. I looked back at the black wolf and admired its beauty. I took a step forward, then two steps, then three, and I kept walking until I was in front of the wolf. The wolf growled at me and I flinched but still stayed. I reached a hand out to touch the wolf but he backed away and growled even louder. I pulled my hand back. "C-can I pet your f-fur?" I asked shyly. All of the wolves looked at with shocked and confused looks. The black wolf took a step forward and let me pet him.

His fur was so soft I couldn't help but giggle at how the wolf was reacting. He looked like he didn't know what to do and just stood there. I ran my hands through its nice, soft fur. I stared in awe at the wolfs beauty. I smiled and asked "Wanna play with me and my siblings?" The wolf looked taken back and glanced at my family. He hesitantly nodded his wolf head. I grinned stood up and motioned for the wolf to follow. He stood up and slowly followed me to my siblings.

For the next minutes we played with the wolf then the other wolfs joined. Then after thirty minutes my mom told us that lunch was ready. My dad brought five pairs of shorts. The wolfs went behind trees and five men came out, one with green eyes and dark brown hair, a pair of twins with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, one with black hair and blue eyes, and a red-head with amber eyes. My mom motioned them to sit down. "So what are your names?" My dad asked them. "I'm William." Said the man with black hair. "I'm Zachary." said the man with red hair. "We're Tom and Tony." said the twins. "And I'm Paul." said the guy with brown hair. "Well then ok.... I'm Blake and this is my wife and mate Hope." Said my dad. Paul and the others looked at us, expecting for us to talk. "I'm Sapphire." Said my sister. "I'm Chance." said my brother. "I'm Violet." said my other sister. "And I'm Tara." I said shyly. "How old are you all?" Said Zachary. "We're 4." Said Sapphire and Violet. "I'm 5." said Chance. "And I'm 6." I said proudly. Paul laughed and said "Well then you Tara remind me of my son." "Oh we're sorry for trespassing your territory." My mom said. "It's fine as long as you don't attack." Paul said jokingly.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking, laughing, joking, and telling stories. After a few hours they had to leave.

We never saw them again.

Winter lasts 21 years in Uranus. Wow talk about long winter

Hey my beautiful unicorns,

Hope you liked this chapter

And pretty please can you comment in my stories PLEASE🙏🙏🙏

Anyways that's all for now

Bye-bye my unicorns

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