Chapter 23- a new, weird, friend

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-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-

"Why are you here rouge?"

Well sir I don't trust so lying is what I will do! "U-um.. Well you see... I was um... Running! Yes running... Away from... My.. Uh... Deceased pack! Yea! That's it! (wow tara I'm... Very disappointed in you)" I lied through my teeth.

He looked at me with a 'wtf' face. Well shiz I guess he saw through my lie. "Rouge tell me the real reason." He demanded. I sighed and shook my head. "Do you know Xavier White?" I asked.

The guy looked taken back but nodded nonetheless. "What's your relationship with him?" I asked. "It's not in your place to ask such things rouge!" He yelled.

"Actually it is." I said matter-of-factly. He growled and was about to lung at me when the phone started ringing out of the blue.

He gave me a last growl and answered the phone. "Yes... A girl.... Yes.... In front of me actually... Ok.... Ok... Sure." He said answering the person on the other line.

He hung up and sighed while rubbing his temples. "Sorry." he muttered. Me deciding to get revenge, smirked. "What did you say?" I asked mockingly. "I said I'm sorry!" He yelled.

"Good now take me home!" I said stomping my foot like a child. "Well your mates coming for you and we don't plan on wasting gas." He said. I groaned. "Well how long 'till they get here?" I asked. "Well you ran pretty far so I guess a couple of hours." He explained.

Far. But I only ran for thirty minutes. "How?" I blurted out. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me confused. "How what?" He asked. "How did I go far? I only ran for thirty minutes." I explained. "Minutes? Well more like hours." He said.

Now it was my turn to be confused. "What?" I asked. "I said that you have been running for hours." He said slowly. Oh poo. "Ok so can.. I like walk around?" I asked. "Help yourself." He said before going back to the paperwork.

I nodded and ran out of the office. I walked through the halls. Turning and twisting. "Hey." I slightly familiar voice interrupted me.

I turned around and saw the same girl that called me a 'horn dog'. "H-hey." I stuttered. "Im Tyler." She blurted out. "I'm Tara." I said cheerily.

I never got a good look at her but I saw that she had brown eyes and red shoulder length hair. "Sorry by the way." She said. "For what?" I asked. "For... You know... Calling you a horn dog." she explained.

I took me a few moments then it hit me. "Oh... Yea.. It's ok don't worry about it." I said. She gave me a smile and nodded. "Well anyways lets be friends!" She yelled. "Um... Sure why not?" I said.

"So tell me about yourself Tyler." I said. "Ok well I was born in Canada, I lie a lot, I get in trouble A LOT (well Tyler I know someone exactly like you), I have ADHD, I'm 17, and I'm weird as eff." She said.

"Ok Tyler let me tell you about me. I have three siblings, I'm an orphan, I'm the eldest, I'm 18, I'm quiet at first but I can get really weird if I felt like it, and my mate is Xavier White." I said.

She looked at me shocked. "What?" I asked. "D-did you s-say your mate is X-Xavier White?" She asked nervously. I nodded my head and she started squealing. "Omg! Finally! Xavier has looked super lonely." She said excitedly while jumping.

"Ok?" I said awkwardly. Suddenly she got wide-eyes and started running while yelling 'Max!'. I looked at her confused but followed anyways

We walked in a big room and I saw Tyler fighting a guy with brown hair and brown eyes with braces. "Where is my Starbucks!?" Tyler yelled. "Gaah! Sowwy (braces don't like the letter 'R') I fowgot!" He yelled trying to get Tyler off of him.

"Don't mess with a white girl and her Starbucks (tylerpullara famous line)!" She yelled while giving the poor guy hard punches. "No not the face!" He yelled.

I laughed for a while then came to my senses. I ran up to them smacked Tyler's wrist.


"Ow...!" She yelled and tried to smack me back but fails miserably. "Tyler what are you doing to this poor boy?" I said while helping the poor guy up. "He promised me Starbucks. He no come with Starbucks for white girl. White girl want REVENGE!" She yelled and ran out the screen door.

I sighed and shook my head but followed her anyways. I saw Tyler sitting in the children's sand box with a circle in around her. I walked up to her. "What are-" I was cut off when Tyler suddenly grabbed my arm and yanked me down.

"What are you doing?! Are you trying to get attacked by the sea bear?!" She yelled. "What?" I asked confused. "The sea bear will attack you if you're not in a circle on the sand!" She yelled in my ear. "Ow..." I said while rubbing my ears.

"Anyways lets wait for the sea bear to come and give me my double chocolate chip frap." She whispered in my ear. I sighed and sat down next to her.

After twenty minutes of us waiting inside a circle on the sand and Tyler chanting 'Starbucks' I finally got up. "Hey where are you going?" Tyler asked.

"To do something useful with my life." I said. "Ok! Fine then! The sea bear will attack you AND not give you any Starbucks!" She yelled. "Ok!" I yelled back.

I went inside the pack house and say on the couch that was in the living room. I was watching 'The Maze Runner' 'till Tyler came running in with a Starbucks cup in her hand. "Where did you get that?" I asked pointing towards the cup. She looked at it and gave me a smile.

"Told you the sea bear would give me some!"


1020 words


Most lipstick has fish scales. PSSH you think that'll stop girls from using it.

Hey guys,

Hope you liked this chapter

Also Tyler the new character was actually a request made by a friend

Her Wattpad is tylerpullara so check her out (no not that way pervs)

Anyways you'll be seeing more of 'Tyler' in the story ( i think)

Anyways I have a few people of the day


Why: commenting and voting


Why: voting



And last but certainly not least


Why: voting

Anyways remember to






P.S tylerpullara U OWE ME

I thought I was aloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora