Chapter 27- the news. Sorta

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-.-.-Tara's P.O.V-.-.-

I started puking my guts out.

When I finished I looked up and saw Xavier. "Are you ok?" He asked. "No." I answered truthfully.

"Ok. Well go to the pack doctor tomorrow ok?" He said. I merely nodded my head before a wave of dizziness hits me. I got up and leaned on Xavier.

We slowly reached our bed and I slowly laid down with Xavier doing the same. I was soon consumed by darkness

____Time Skip brought to you by Cornflakes___

I woke up sweaty and panting. I looked at Xavier's sleeping face and shook him.

He stirred a little but went back to sleep. I groaned and shook him harder. He did the same thing.

I huffed and came up with and idea. "Rape!" I yelled in his ear. He jolted up and ran out the door.

I waited a few minutes until Xavier came running back. I giggled at how Xavier was growling and saying that he was going to kill anyone who touched me.

"Xavier." I said. He stilled paced around the room. "Xavier." I said a little louder. I got no response whatsoever. "Xavier!" I yelled.

He jumped and hit his head to the bookshelf. "Tara! Are you all right?! I'll kill the guy who tried to-" I cut him off with a peck on the lips. "You talk to much." I commented.

"And I'll talk even more if it means more of those kisses." He said in my ear very seductively. "Hm... How about nope!" I said while popping the 'p'. Y' know just to mock him.

I heard him grown before I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Tomorrow we'll have the Luna Ceremony ok?" He said. "Ok." I said while smiling.

"Can we go to the hospital before that?" I asked. I didn't see him but I felt him nod. "K great." I said. "We should probably.. You know.. Uh... Go to sleep." I said sheepishly.

"K babe." He said. He fell on the be and dragged me down with him. I fell on his chest and sighed knowing he won't let go.

I snuggled closer to his chest and closed my eyes. I let myself be consumed into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up and turned around only to be be faced with Xavier's beautiful face. "Morning baby." He said in a sexy morning voice.

"Morning." I replied back. He smiled and pecked my forehead. I slowly got up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

I got off the bed and went in the closet. I picked out a light blue tank top that said 'Pink' in black letters and some pink skinny jeans.

I went out of the closet and looked at myself in the mirror. I twirled around and smiled in satisfaction.

I turned around and faced Xavier. Xavier's eyes were pitch black with lust and hunger. I walked up to him and smacked his forehead. "Calm yourself wolf boy." I said and walked out the door.

As soon as I closed the door I burst into laughter. I don't know what I found funny but I laughed anyway. I walked down the stairs and saw Allison cooking breakfast.

She was cooking pancakes and bacon. I swear I drooled a little when the mouth watering scent hit my nose. I licked my lips and quietly tip toes behind Allison.

When I was right behind her she turned around with the pan of bacon. It hit me and all the oil spilled on me. "Omg!" Allison yelled. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I said as I hugged my arms.

"Omg! Tara! Are you ok?!" She yelled. I'm perfectly fine (note the sarcasm)! "Yes I'm super fine! I didn't just burn myself!" I yelled at her with my voice dripping with sarcasm.

She didn't seem fazed and yelled for Xavier. After a few seconds I heard thundering footsteps coming down the stairs. "Oh god! Are you ok Tara?!" I heard Xavier yell.

"God Xavier are you sure your not blonde (no offense all you blondes but remember I'm blonde too and so is Tara)!" I yelled at him. I slightly turned my head and spotted some bacon.

I let my hunger get the best of me and I reached for it, grabbed it, and dropped it in my mouth. I munched on the juicy goodness and moaned in satisfaction. "Tara now is not the time!" I heard Allison yell.

"Well then take me to a doctor!" I yelled at her. She looked at me shocked and then we started arguing. "Now is not the time for this nonsense!" We heard Xavier yell.

"Omg! That's the most mature thing I heard Xavier say!" I yelled. Suddenly the door burst open and Josh, Mike, Brittany, and my siblings were there looking shocked. "Long time no see." I said calmly.

"Tara! What happened?!" Violet yelled. "I guess the bacon decided to take revenge on me for munching and killing there brothers." I said jokingly.

Violet slightly giggled and shook her head. Suddenly I heard music. It was 'Fire Starter by Demi Lovato'.

"Hell yea! My jam!" I yelled and jumped up and down. "Anyways we should go to the hospital." I said over the music which was in low volume.

"Ok we'll-" Mike was cut off when I ran in the bathroom. I puked out last nights dinner. After a while I felt someone pulled back my hair and rub circles on my back.

"We should eat and then we'll go to the hospital." I heard Sapphire say softly. I nodded my head and went to the dining room. I heard arguing going on between Xavier and Chance so I decided to eves drop.

"If she's pregnant I'll kill you!" I heard Chance yell. "It doesn't matter as long as she's happy and it was bound to happen anyways!" I heard Xavier yell back. "Did you take her V-card?!" I heard Chance yell.

Well if they're having this argument then he should've known the answer. "Yea!" He yelled. I heard Chance growl and I decided to stop it.

"Guys stop!" I yelled. I heard them mutter 'fine' and we all sat down.

After we ate we drove to the hospital. I got in the office and they took care of my burns. After I while I told them about me puking and all that Shiz. They asked me questions and I answered them.

After a test they came out and I waited for my answer.

"Well miss Tara you...."


1089 words



Oh the hate I would get

Anyways sorry for the late update.

Well.. Remember to






I thought I was aloneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin