Chapter 2

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'Well, well, well' he mutters from above me.

I try and breathe in but it feels like a 100kg weight is sitting on my chest. I think he starts talking again but I pass out from the lack of oxygen.


My eyes flutter open, I keep as still as possible while I come to terms with my situation.

'How are you feeling?'

Startled, I jump upwards, full defensive mode on. This is the first time I've actually been able to see the man, face to face.

Ocean blue eyes. Strong jaw. Messy black hair and stubble around his plump lips. Over 6 foot. Muscular. Intimidating. Gorgeous.

'I didn't mean to crush you, I'm sorry. You ran and my wolf took over - predator and prey, ya know?'

My nose crinkles in disgust at the smell of my urine, thankfully I'm still wearing my own clothes but after my little accident, they smell.

'My names Liam, I'm Alpha of the Delta Torres pack. And you're obviously my gorgeous mate' he holds out a strong hand for me to shake. I refuse to touch him, remembering how it made my pass out when we touched in the forest.

'The bathrooms just behind that door' he points, 'if you want to have a quick shower I'll grab you something to eat. Here' he walks towards the closet and returns with a white jumper, trackies and a pair of his boxers.

Before moving, I watch him leave and shut the door behind him. Quickly, I rummage through all drawers, desperately searching for a phone or weapon. Nothing.

Grabbing the clothes I head to the shower, if I do manage to escape, and if he is a werewolf, he would be able to sniff me out - especially if I smell of piss.


Clean and dressed in Liam's loose fitting clothing, I move back into the bedroom and peer out the window. This house is huge, the Western side is completely surrounded by forest. North looks like a small town, if I was to escape to the town someone may be able to help me.

'Don't try, you're in my territory now. That town is full of pack members' he stands in the open doorway, holding a plate with a sandwich on top.

He tries to hand me the plate but I refuse to take it, unsure if it's been poisoned. What if the wolves take their mates to do some crazy sacrificial ritual or something?

Snatching the plate back with a sigh, he shoves half the sandwich into his mouth and chews.

'See, it's fine. Now, what's your name little mate?'

'Ella' gingerly taking a bite of the sandwich, knowing I'll need my strength to escape.

'What's going to happen to me?' 

'You'll stay with me and live happily ever after pretty much. A few of my pack members found mates this full moon. So I've granted everyone a week of duties to get to know their mate. After that, I'll host a party and introduce you and welcome everyone to the pack.

'How do I know you're actually a wolf? What if you're just crazy and this is all a plot to keep me here?'

'I don't think you're ready to see. You might get scared' 

'If I'm even going to slightly consider staying, I'll need proof. My family may believe in your kind but I don't. I think someone started a rumour to cover the tracks of a psycho and it's just propelled into this crazy elaborate thing.'

He laughs, looks me up and down and laughs some more. 'You have a very active imagination. If you think you can handle it, I'll take you outside and show you. However, if we weren't mates, explain this' he reaches forward and touches my wrist. My whole body tingles, strongest at the point where our skin is making direct contact.

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