Chapter 4

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I wake still on the leather couch, my neck is both stiff and achey. After Liam left last night, I stayed sitting on the couch and clearly fell asleep. Liam never made a reappearance.

Deciding to just bite the bullet, I remove myself from the couch and head upstairs to shower and use the bathroom. The bed is empty and doesn't appear as though it was slept in. I jump in the shower quickly so I can investigate the strange occurrence of events.

After finishing in the bathroom, I exit and search the upstairs. Liam is nowhere to be found. I head downstairs, all rooms also empty. I try the front door, locked. Back door, also locked.

Frustrated with tears pricking my eyes, I resume my place on the leather couch and wait.


After sitting still for 3 hours, the front door finally opens and Liam appears. He looks tired and dirty  and upon further investigation, his hands are red and knuckles bruised.

Refusing to break the silence, I pretend not to notice his arrival and return to staring into space.

'Morning' he yawns as he wanders in and plonks down next to me before slinging a dirty arm over my shoulders.


'I've had a think and decided I will give you your mobile to text your family. BUT, all messages will be proof read by yours truly and you can only use the phone within a time period specified by myself'

'Seriously?!' My heart jumps, I miss my family so much. And this is a GIANT step in the right direction.

'I can feel how happy you already are. My life is a huge adjustment and this technically won't break the werewolf/human rules.'

'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you' I jump and hug Liam, warmth spreading between the two of us.

'You're welcome, little mate. Here' he passes me my mobile and I get texting immediately.

Mum, it's Ella. I wanted to tell you that I love and miss you all. I'm unharmed. If you send messages to this number, I will see them. Love, Ella.

Passing the phone to Liam, he looks over the message and nods before hitting send for me.

'I'm going to shower and then we'll get started on lunch. I'll be back' he kisses the top of my head and exits leaving me feeling unbelievably happy.

Standing up, I head towards the kitchen and look through the cupboards. I'm not a good cook, at all, but I want to do something nice to Liam to show my appreciation.

After spotting a pack of bacon, I decide to get started on BLT's for lunch. Humming quietly to myself, I begin to chop everything as the bacon cooks in the pan.

My ears prick at the shower shutting off just as I plate up lunch, I pour us each a glass of water and sit at the kitchen bench and wait.

'This smells amazing. Thank you for cooking' Liam practically inhales his food as I take small bites.

We sit in silence, simply enjoying each others company and the food. It's not until I've finished eating that Liam decides to break it.

'We're going to a party tonight. The pack is going to meet all the new additions. It'll be a chance for you to socialise.'

'With other people from town?'

'A couple of towns held mates, so yes technically. I need you to behave tonight. There will be lots of wolves around and we will all be on high alert as not all the new mates are comfortable yet.

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