Chapter 1

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The rain comes down hard against Ella's bedroom window, the sky outside a harsh grey despite the fact that it's the middle of the day.

A brief tap on the door pulls Ella away from her book, her mum steps in looking flustered.

'Are you packed? We're leaving for Grandma's in an hour'

'I spoke to dad and he said I could meet you guys there later. I have to pop into Shelly's shop quickly. I'm just waiting for the rain to ease'

'You know I don't like you out near the full moon. Be very careful Ella and be at Grandma's before it gets dark' her mum steps forward and kisses her forehead.

'Of course mum. I'll bring back some of your favourite jam too.'


Once Ella's family has left, she begins to get ready to leave. Looking like the rain won't subside, she rifles through her drawers until she finds her rain jacket.

Luckily her mum took her overnight bag with her, so Ella is only responsible for a little backpack that fits nicely under her jacket.

Pulling out of the drive, Ella begins the 10 minute ride into town. Her best friends mum, Shelly, owns a small shop in town specialising in homemade goods and trinkets. As it was her Grandma's birthday tomorrow, she thought she'd get her a small present.

This was the first year as an adult that she's been home for Grandma's birthday, and she is excited to make it special.

She places her bike out the front and pushes open the glass door to the little shop. A singular, orange light is all that illuminates the shop and it casts a glow on all the products. 'Just a second' Shelly's voice calls out from somewhere out the back.

Ella begins browsing, she looks over the freshly baked muffins, scones and tarts. Moving onto the jams and chutneys and into a back corner of the shop that she hadn't noticed before. A small sign simply reads 'creatures of the forest repellent.' There are small jars with clear liquid, a few brilliant silver daggers and some dried herbs and leaves.

'Oh Ella, how are you dear?' Shelly guides her by the shoulders, away from that section of the store.

'Good, and yourself?'

'About to close up for the day, I'm taking Kayla out of town for the full moon'

'I won't keep you then, I just wanted to pick up a few things for Grandma'

'Of course dear, help yourself. I'll keep closing down but give me a shout when you've found everything.'

Ella collects a few jars of jam, some scones and cream. She places everything on the counter and looks outside, the wind has picked up and it has gotten extremely dark.

'Looks like the moon will appear earlier than expected. How are you getting home?'

'Grandma's house isn't far, I'll be fine. I'll just grab these and go so you guys have time to get out of town'

'Thank you love' she places all the items in a small gift bag before quickly walking over to the other corner. She comes back holding a small dagger.

'Just in case' she whispers as she presses it into Ella's hands.


'Don't want to hear it. You will take it and keep yourself safe'

She pays for her things and hugs Shelly.

'Keep yourselves safe, I'll see you both when you return.'

The lock clicks behind Ella and she walks back into the rain, gift bag secured safely in her backpack.

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