Boyfriend Turns into the Opposite Sex

Start from the beginning

You shook your head, turning your back to him and laughed sheepishly. "Uh, Masky, I'm sorry. I should've knocked." You said, feeling your cheeks warming up. "I didn't realize you were a girl."

"M/R, you can look at me." He stated, but you shook your head. "No, no, I'm okay. Just wanted to, uh, tell you that, um, I got a day off work for tomorrow."

Masky raised a brow before poking the middle of your back, getting a loud yelp from you. "Masky?!"

"Stop acting awkward. I'm still your boyfriend, who is temporarily a girl. So, turn around." He stated, grabbing his clothes. "Now, what about tomorrow? You have the day off?" He asked as you turned to him.

You nodded, looking away when he dropped his towel. "Yeah, I do."

Masky hummed in thought before shrugging. "So, we can go out tomorrow?" He asked, getting dress.

"That's what I was thinking! I mean, we haven't gone out in awhile." You said, looking at him as he was putting his shirt on then turned away. He raised a brow before rolling his eyes. "Are you serious? M/R, is there something wrong? I'm still your boyfriend."

You shook your head and covered your face. "I just don't want to stare and make you uncomfortable." You muttered. "You're also hot.." You whispered, peeking through your fingers. Masky shrugged and nodded. "Thank you. How long do you think I'll be like this?"

With a quiet hum, you thought about it before shaking your head. "I don't know. Why?"

Masky seemed to be thinking then snorted. "I'm hungry. I'll make lunch." He said, kissing your cheek then left room. 


Slender stood in front of you, arms crossed. "M/R?"

You sat on the couch, head tilting before rubbing your eyes. "Am I hallucinating?" You asked, looking at him again. "Nice skirt."

He sighed and rubbed his neck. "Sally saw me like this before I came here. She insisted I wear it. Well, this entire outfit, actually."

You chuckled, standing up. "Slender, you look great." You stated, making him shake his head as he blushed a little. "M/R, you don't mean that."

"Aw, babe, you're so beautiful right now." You said, hugging him as he sighed, cheeks turning red. "I'll prove it to you if you want." You whispered, making him gasp. "M/R!"

You laughed and rubbed his back. "I'm joking, I'm joking, babe. Come on, I think I got some of your extra clothes." You said, making your way to your room. Slender stood there for a moment before he fanned himself, feeling his face warm.

"I can't believe he said that." He muttered to himself as he went to your room.

"So, Slender, what do you want for dinner? I got some stuff for pasta." You said, handing him his folded clothes. He hummed in thought as he held his clothes before nodding. "Pasta sounds good." He answered as you were leaving your room.

You smiled and nodded, patting the door frame. "Pasta it is! You can dress while I get everything ready." You said, leaving him to get dress. Just as you got everything out, you heard Slender curse loudly then he shouted for you. "M/R! I need help!"

Confused, you went back to your room to see him struggling with the bra. "Whoa, whoa, I got you." You said, Slender sighing in defeat. It took you a second and the bra was off. "There you go."

Slender sighed in relief and nodded. "Thank you so much." He said, making you chuckle. "No problem. You do know that you have tentacles?"

"I tried that." He stated, watching you blink. "Wait, really?"

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