Chapter 1

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I punched the punching bag one last time, before retiring on the bench. I slowly opened my bandages and red bruises could be seen on my knuckles.

" You bruised them again?" Catherine sighed as she entered the room and sat beside me.

" I don't care anymore" I replied looking down

Then we heard an alarm suddenly, I really hate it's sound, it reminds me that I'm nothing, I'm just controlled by someone.

" Let's go it's time" Catherine said with a blank face. She has also changed a lot in a year, she has gone from a bubbly girl to an emotionless girl. She used to be so positive, but I think our condition has sucked all the positivity from her.

" You shouldn't have come here, go" I said tilting my head towards the door.

" Don't worry about me" she gave a small smile and left the room. I wanted to stop her and hug her tightly and tell her that everything is going to be alright, but will it be?

I sighed and went to the Testing Room, it was a room where our blood is taken to be tested if we have caught the virus or not, so that they can take the necessary steps. Well it's just a cover up, they take our blood to see if we have developed any new antibodies against the virus.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream, the guard has electrified a person, people who do not cooperate are controlled in brutal ways, you can't even imagine. We were made to stand in lines with guards standing on either side. The Bond of Formula Foundation (BOFF) is divided into various sections according to our skills, mostly they do it according to their wish.

Like Catherine is in the Office Department, as the name suggests, she maintains records and does all the paper work, which is top secret.

" Tristan, please forward your right hand" a doctor said bitterly when my turn came, I simply forwarded my hand towards him. I started looking here and there, that's when I spotted Naira wearing a lab coat, she was doing something on a tab. Then I spotted Catherine standing in the line, this is the only time when we three see eachother, or else the people from other departments are not allowed to see or talk to eachother until and unless it is of utmost importance.

Naira is in the Science and Medical department, I'm in the Army department, where you do fighting and all unwillingly. Don't ask me, how Catherine always slips in our training room.

" Nothing" the doctor said annoyingly and asked me to go back. I pressed the cotton on the injected point and went to my department, while taking a look back at both of my friends who are still alive at least. This is the only time when I can assured that yes they're alive, nothing more than that.

" They're gonna keep sucking our blood out, until they found the antibodies" Joe said, he works with me, we're in the same department.

I just sighed.

" You saw your friends? How are they?" He enquired

" They're living" I replied

" You three were separated on purpose" he said while patting me on the back.

It was true, when we were brought here, they called us special because we discovered their secret, their
Virtual World.

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For reading this book, you have to read the first book "The Virtual World".


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