Chapter 20

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"Want anything, Hinata?" Tsukishima asked as he pressed a few buttons on a vending machine. After 5-10 minutes of going in circles, the trio finally found their way to the main entrance.

Hinata nodded "Yeah, chips or whatever is fine!" Tsukki pressed a few more buttons and got food for himself, yams and Hinata. "Tch." Kageyama could be heard in the background, annoyed that he was the only one left out.

"You two should really try to get to know each other! You both just decided 'I don't like him' without ever having an actual conversation."
Hinata suggested, opening his snack. Both taller boys made a slight groaning sound. "See! You even act like each other." he said through a mouthful of food.

"The only thing we have in common is the dislike we've got for each other...and maybe the urge to tease short people." Tsukishima stated. Kageyama couldn't disagree and simply nodded, looking over towards Hinata who now had a pouty expression "I'm not short!" Kageyama grinned "From up here, you look pretty short. What's it like down there, huh? How's the air quality?" Tsukishima clicked his tongue "Hmm, insulting your boyfriend? How endearing." Kageyama glared at him for a few seconds then turned back to see Hinata was no longer there.

"Huh..?" He looked in multiple different directions, trying to find sight of the orange haired boy "Where'd he go?"

Tsukishima raised a brow "Well obviously I wouldn't know, king. I've been standing here, too." Kageyama ignored him walked out the building, not necessarily in a panic, but with slight concern.

'Guess I'll give yams his food later.' Tsukishima thought, following Kageyama outside.

Both boys wandered around aimlessly before thinking the obvious. Hinata would most likely go to the court for practice...although it was about time for the team to leave, so it would be odd for him to start practicing again.


While listening to Kageyama and tsukishima go back and forth, Hinata had finished his chips. He decided to look for a trash can and silently left as to not distract the two boys from their 'conversation.' Hinata had kind of wanted to leave them alone so they could try actually talking to each other. Things would be easier and more enjoyable if they got along.

After finding somewhere to throw away his trash, Hinata decided to look around aoba johsai alone. He hadn't been there much and wanted to see what else the school had to offer.


After finding an empty gym, both tsukishima and Kageyama were beginning to get a bit anxious. They didn't even know Hinata was capable of being quiet enough to leave without their notice.

"Should we go back to the lunchroom?" Kageyama asked. "Everyone is probably done in there by now, our best bet would be to meet up with the team. They're probably looking for us right now." Tsukishima answered. "But what about Hinata? He could've gotten lost or hurt or..." Kageyama kept his voice calm but was starting to worry more and more.

Tsukishima knew very well that Hinata could be lost, although he had a feeling he was fine. Hinata wasn't as dumb as he made himself out to be. Tsukishima decided to trust his instinct and began walking in the direction of the karasuno bus. He'd hopefully find the team there.

"Where are you going? Do you not care if Hinata is wandering around alone? For someone who supposedly helped Hinata and is meant to be taking care-" Kageyama was cut off by tsukishima "Don't speak to me as if you know my relationship with Hinata, how I've treated him, or if I actually care about him. I'm every bit as worried as you are. I just know that he's not stupid enough as to get lost right before we need to leave..." he turned around to directly face Kageyama as he spoke "You're clearly ticked off that I'm the one who initially helped Hinata and that I'm the one that Hinata is staying with right now. Put aside your jealousy for a moment and have some trust in your boyfriend. He's fine."

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