Chapter 13

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As Kageyama entered his home, he realized Hinata was still asleep. The small boy seemed so peaceful in that moment that Kageyama would feel bad for waking him up.

He took his shoes off, tossing them near the door, and carefully slid off Hinata's, tossing them over as well. Kageyama walked especially slow, taking Hinata to his room. He figured a bed would be much more comfortable than the couch, and earlier Hinata said he didn't mind waking up next to him. So, he took that as 'it's okay for him to sleep in my bed.' (Kageyama logic)

After entering his room, Kageyama tried to lay Hinata down but he was holding on too tight to get off. Even in his sleep. He stood there, trying to at least pry an arm off but it wasn't happening.

He decided he didn't need to let go and just sat down, Hinata still glued to him. Hinata now sat in his lap, legs wrapped around his waist. Kageyama loved the feeling of Hinata being so close. His body fit perfectly in his and he never wanted to separate.

Kageyama began to feel tired as well and took the best option: laying down. He held Hinata close and slowly lowered himself on his pillow, having Hinata lay on his chest while straddling him. To Kageyama, this was the best thing in the world. Nothing, not even volleyball, could compare to this. He smiled to himself as he began stroking Hinata's hair, enjoying the softness.


After about 15 minutes of Kageyama playing with Hinata's hair, he began to wake up.

Hinata blinked a few times before taking in his surroundings. After smelling that familiar scent of cologne beneath him, he realized where he was. "Kageyama?" He asked, unsure of whether or not he was awake. "Yes Hinata?" Kageyama shifted, leaning up a little. He brushed his fingers over a few strands of hair that sat on Hinata's forehead.

"How long have I been asleep?" Hinata moved his head so he was now resting his chin on Kageyamas chest, staring at him with sleepy eyes. "Not long. Only about 15 minutes after we got here. Are you still tired? I can get up and let you sleep." Hinata vigorously shook his head at the offer "No! I want to stay like this. Please.." he blushed at his own words. Kageyama noticed Hinata's flustered state and couldn't say no "Of course." Hinata smiled and went back to resting the side of his head on Kageyamas chest.

"Can I tell you why I left the other day?" Hinata said out of nowhere. Kageyama put a hand on Hinata's back and began massaging slow circles. "Yeah, go ahead." He said in a soft tone, almost a whisper. "I've been trying to decide whether or not I should tell you for a while now. I guess I've just been afraid of the possibility that you'd see me as a problem or something.." he continued, his voice shaky "..I'll try to summarize as best I can so here father had been abusing me for the past six years until tsukishima accidentally.. found out..and let me live with him. So the other day, tsukki came to pick me up because I would have needed you to bring me home 'cause of my leg, but I couldn't have you do that since I would've had to tell you everything." Hinata breathed a small sigh of relief, glad to get it off his chest. At this point, his sadness that came from his father wasn't so bad, he now had more of an anxiety from the thought of it.

Kageyama was angered with himself. How did he not see that his best friend and teammate was hurting? How did he never notice? He could have done something so much sooner if he knew. "I'm sorry, Hinata" he weaved his fingers through Hinata's hair, tears forming in his eyes "I'm so sorry you've been going through that and all I've ever done is call you a dumbass and yell at you. I can't believe I never realized anything was wrong. I'm sorry..." the sound of regret echoed in his voice as he spoke.

Hinata was able to keep in his tears and instead direct his emotions towards Kageyama. He had never seen him cry even once throughout the time they'd known each other and it hurt even more than the thought of his father.

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