Chapter 19 - Legacy

Start from the beginning

When meta-humans first appeared in Central City..." Orlin said.

And the Flash become hero to stop me." Cicada/Grace says.

Destroy the meta-humans before they destroy the world." Orlin said.

They'll be born only to die." Cicada/Grace said.

Back at Star Labs,Cisco analyzes the wood fragment that Barry found.

Definitely some kind of wood fragment." Cisco said.

And you think those will lead us to where Cicada's hiding?" Caitlin said.

We can find out. We can cross-reference this, see what kind of wood it is, then see where we end up." Cisco said as he walks away.

Barry turns to Sarah. 'Is there any progress on Ralph?"

No, he's still unconscious, and I can't figure out a way to reverse his cells." Sarah said.

So I guess that means we still don't know why he jumped in front of that Mirror Gun, do we?" Nora simply added.

Sherloque walks in. 'We do. We do because Dibny solved the greatest mystery of all. The Flash's legacy, how to stop Cicada, repentance for his past sins all the reasons Eobard Thawne was helping you."

And stopping Dad from disappearing in the future." Nora asked.

Disappearing in the future is part of it, hmm? But this has nothing to do with your mother and father. The real reason that Thawne wishes to defeat Cicada and destroy Cicada's dagger is because this dagger is the only thing keeping the Reverse-Flash in prison." Sherloque explained.

In the future,Thawne was still strapped up with Cicada's dagger strapped on to him as well.

Shinick walks up to Thawne

Guess this is it." Shinick said.

Mm, I almost forgot. Shinick Chuckles I contacted the Flash Museum, had them send something over for today. He holds up Thawne's Reverse Flash ring. I thought it should be buried for good along with you."

The ring is on a chain and Shinick puts it around Eobard's neck.

Consider it a parting gift." Shinick said.

Back in the present in the cortex.

Destroying Cicada's dagger in the past will save Thawne from dying in the future?" Cisco said.

That's right. Cicada's dagger has been dampening Thawne's powers all this time." Sherloque says.

So if we get rid of the dagger now, it disappears in the future?" Caitlin said.

And Thawne gets out of Iron Heights." Barry said.

A reverse time hack." Cisco says.

Everything you said about Thawne is true. The only person he ever helps is himself." Nora said as her eyes get watery.

Nora, this is not your fault." Sarah said.

Yes, it is." Nora said as she walks off.

Now the question we have to ask do we stop Cicada or do we stop Thawne?" Sherloque asked.

No, we're not gonna let thousands of meta-humans die, now or in the future. We find Cicada. We destroy the dagger once and for all." Barry said as He walks out of the cortex and Sarah follows after him.

Caitlin walks over to Cisco. 'You gotta get out of here."

No, we gotta wait for the results..." Cisco says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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