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So...theres some confusion...a lot actually lol

Harry woke up to zayn sitting at the end of the bed blankly staring back at him. he had a cup of tea and dropped it, making a loud noise.

"zayn?" harry asked.

"rodgers here...hes coming to get you...wants to take you away" zayn whispered.

Harry was scared of this zayn. what happened? he doesn't know.

He never got the full story.

he needs the full story.

"why did you kill all those people?" harry asked.

"they were trying to ruin our relationship! i needed them fully removed. Even shawn, i liked shawn but he was going to ruin us somehow" zayn whispered again, slowly walking to the bedside harry was at.

"why didn't you tell me you tried murdering your family?"

"i didn't like them, so i killed them" zayn frowned. "who are you talking to?" zayn asked.

Harry didn't answer, he stared blankly at the wall.

"why didn't you kill me?" harry asked, now looking at zayn.

"oh my hazza, i could never do that! ever since you got me out of that orphanage i knew i would like you, so for 3 years i obervated you. Deciding if i really did want to kill you. But then i fell in love with you! so i didn't" zayn laughed.

"then how come-" harry was interupted by the door slamming open, armed men surrounding zayn. He whimpered and grabbed harry.

Harry wrapped his arms around zayn and looked at everyone..Rodger!

he was about to get up when zayn didn't let go of him.

"z? let me go please" harry said, trying to yank away from his lover.

"no! rodge is going to take you away! then i won't see you and we can't be together forever!" zayn yelled.

"zayn let him go" rodger said.

"fuck you!" zayn spat at his older brother.

Harry started to cry, what else was there to do?

Rodger went into a panic when he saw harry cry.

he motioned one of the men to tranquilize zayn, he shot a little dart into zayns arm, Zayn quickly letting go of harry to remove it. harry got out of his grasp and ran to rodger and wrapping his arms around his long torso.

He turned around to see a passed out zayn on the bed.

Everything was a blur after that, Zayn was taken to an aslyum and harry was asked some questions at the police station and brought back to rodgers.

"why was he so normal for all those years?" harry asked rodger.

" long time a go docters put a chip in hs brain so he would be 'normal' After we found out he was adopted after the accident it went to shit because the chip was a expirment. Aftera few years we knew it was going to wear off"

"why didn't he act up by me though" harry said, his voice a bit more louder.

"Like i said, we took a chip that was an expirment; so year after year he gets more crazy. he was really possesive of you after i took you. he went crazy and found the old gang our father was in charge of and decided to take over, of course they weren't going to not let the son of their old leader take over. So when they finally found out where we were. he drove there, when i woke up you weren't there and he had 5 men try beating me."

After finding out harry felt stupid.

Rodger handed harry a paper. it was tests for zayn when he was 9.

"what's this?" harry asked.

"zayn was nine when he started murdering,he killed our dog and laughed about it, telling us how the organs looked" rodger said, tears welling in his eyes.

"oh rodger, i'm so sorry" harry said and hugged him.

They sat there all night, both not wanting to talk anymore.

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