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Harry had got ou of his bed. He opened the curtains to see his Zayn sitting there. He was smiling.

"zaynie!" harry said and ran into his arms.

"my baby!" zayn said, more possesive then happy.

They hugged eachother, not able to et eachother go.

"why did you leave?" Zayn asked.

"i read your texts with gigi, i knew you guys were hooking up" harry said as he held tightly onto zayn's chest.

"you know i love you right?" zayn asked as he knelt down so he was at harry's level.

"i pray every night that you would love me like i love you" harry said. He had dark circles and his pupils were huge! Zayn looked inside to see cocaine lined up on the table, a pot of weed and some pills on the bed.

"baby, what have you been doing" zayn scolded and harry looked at him with a big stare.

"drink with me" harry said and passed a glass of beer to zayn.

"what's wrong" zayn asked.

"i took a left and i swerved right" harry said and drank some of the beer.


"i was feeling right" harry laughed.

"baby what happen to your hair? you cut it? why?" zayn asked as he ran a hand htrough harry's hair.

"huh i wonder why?" harry said sarcasticaly.


Rodger opened the door to see zayn ans harry talking. "harry get away from him" rodger said sternly.

"why?" harry asked, he was out of it. His hair was a mess and his eyes were everywhere like he was on crack. (pfff)

"harry stay with me babe, will be together forever" zayn said.

Harry have him a lazy smile and cuddled more into his side.

Rodger quickly grabbed harry by the waist and held him in his arms, he then aimed a gun at zayn.

"give me harry!" zayn growled as he stood up.

"he's out of it Z! he needs to get out of here!" rodger yelled getting up.

"give him back!" zayn lunged at his brother. He punched him repeatidly.

Everything was blurry to harry, It was so hot but he was so cold. He got up and swung back and forth until he reached the bedroom door. he grabbed a few pills of ectasy, swallowing them with some liquor.

he laughed incontrollably, feeling lighter than ever.

Zayn got up and smirked at the passed out body.

He went into the bedroom to see harry dancing to a song.

he grabbed him by the wasit and danced with him. He could barely see harry's green eyes. "baby how much did you have?" zayn asked and harry smiled. "will you fuck me on the floor? i'm feeling naughty" harry slurred and zayn grinned.


After a few more thrust zayn came in harry. He pulled put and saw that harry was passed out.

He gave his baby a tired smile and passed out right next to him.


Rodger woke up with his head killing him, he slowly made his way to harry's room to see that their clothes were everywhere and the couple were passed out on the floor naked. He knows they fucked because of the cum strands on the floor.

he cares about harry a lot, he lifted harry's passed out body and dressed him. After he carried him to his car and put blankets around him.

He went back inside to see zayn disappeared..again.

He quickly ran outside to see harry was still safely in the car and he drove away, not looking back.


"he's mine though!" zayn said to it.

"i know, but he is not fully yours" it said.

"what do you mean?" zayn asked.

"you know, theres a chance for both of you to live together forever, you would have company..but forever" it said.

"what do i have to do"

"when you both commit a sin..you'll be immortal forever" it grinned.

"deal" zayn said.

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