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"Harry, I love you"

Harry kissed his forehead and smiled, "I love you to Zaynie, now go to bed it's late" before zayn could say anything they were under the covers and cuddling. He didn't want to say anything now, he felt like he just humiliated himself even though there isn't anyone other than Harry in the house.

He just went to bed.

Harry's POV

What the fuck?! Zayn just said he loved me?! I had to play it off as if he was my a little boy because I didn't want to have that talk, I need to break up with Louis before anything.

I really love zayn to, but isn't that wrong? Because I adopted him? And he is son? I always call him that around Louis, only him because he doesn't feel like my son anywhere else.

He feel like a boyfriend to me, a really good one to, he's not toxic like the rest of my boyfriends who want to get in my pants and zayn actually likes me for being me.

I smiled as I fell asleep in zayns arms, if this is wrong, I never want to be right.

Nobodies POV

The next morning they got up and Harry showered and did his skincare, he got ready and went downstairs to see zayn on his phone.

"Hazza?" Nobody has called him that in years. "Can my friends come over?" Harry let out a soft 'Yeah' and cleaned the house up so his friends couldn't see how messy the living room was.

He felt strong arms wrap around him, he knew it was zayn, he started kissing Harry's neck, he soon started sucking Harry's sweet spot making him let out a moan.

Harry quickly covered his mouth and pushed away from zayn. "Z I'm sorry we can do that...yet" zayn smirked and nodded his head.

There was a knock at the door and zayns friends started checking out Harry as he opened the door.

"I like your outfit today Harry" nick said and Harry blushed, "thank you"

Harry was wearing a crop top and shorts since it was hot out, zayn quickly got his button up off and put it on Harry. Harry thanked him and went to the kitchen to make lunch for everyone.

Perrie as always was flirting with zayn. It always hurt Harry when he flirted back with her. He shouldn't be surprised, perrie beautiful and pretty, of course zayn would want her. She's perfect.

"Hey harry" Fionn, one of zayns friend said as e went to the kitchen. "Hey fionn" Harry said as he cut cheese.

Fionn was always fun to talk to, Harry was always open with him.

Zayn got suspicious when Fionn didn't come back from the bathroom after 15 minutes.

He went to the kitchen to find them both talking and laughing. Jealousy took over zayn and he separated them from each other.

"Go to the living room" Fionn knew what zayn was like when he was angry so he quickly went to the living room.

"What were you doing?!" Zayn said as he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. Harry put his arms over zayns shoulders and shrugged. "I was just talking to him" zayn started kissing Harry roughly. Harry gasped in the kiss, zayn took advantage of it and put his tongue in Harry's mouth.

After kissing for what seemed like forever Harry pushed zayn back.
He grabbed the tray of sandwiches and gave it to zayn.

"For everyone, I'm meeting Louis at a cafe"

"Do you want me to come with?" Harry smiled at how concerned zayn sounded at shook his head.

Zayn hugged Harry and went to the living room. Harry's smile faded and he went to the car.

Nobody has noticed yet but he hasn't ate or slept in forever.

He feels Ike the world is passing by and he is still stuck on the same day. Crying and then smiling, only for zayn, he needs to stay strong for zayn.

He got to the cafe and saw Louis looking great as ever. He sat across from him and he sighed.

"I haven't been honest with you, so I'll tell you everything"

"I barely work, I sleep with 4 of my coworkers I'm sorry Harry I just don't feel the same anymore" Harry stood up and shook his head with tears pooling his eyes.

"Don't ever come back to my fucking house. We're over! You hear me! Go and sleep with one of your whores!" Everyone stared at Harry as he stomped out of the cafe.

He sobbed as he drove back to the house. He parked in and opened the door everyone's smiled faded and looked at Harry who sniffles and slammed the door close.

He went to his room and destroyed everything that was louis' as he cried.

He put it in a garbage back put t in the closet. He climbed into bed and laid there, he cried so much that he couldn't cry anymore. He didn't have the energy, but he wasn't tired.

"Listen guys I think you should go, I'll call you guys later" after everyone was out he raced to Harry's room to see him laying in bed.

He climbed in next to him and started kissing his face. He could see so much pain in his eyes. He wanted to kiss it all away.

"We broke up" is all Harry said before smiling at zayn, he knew zayn never liked Louis.

"Baby that's good I'm so happy" he started kissing Harry passionately. The stayed like that until Harry went to bed in zayns arms.

'Everything is coming together'
Zayn thought.

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