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Harry had just got a job at zayns school. Zayn was in most of his classes and always gave Harry winks.

After he left perrie was in his class and giving him glares as he passed papers to her. Class went on and she would whisper things and the girls around her would laugh and look at Harry.

"I heard he was mental, my mom went to the store and saw him freaking out" Kylie said making them all laugh.

"Would you guys shut the hell up? At least he doesn't cry when his acrylic nail chips unlike you bitches" nick said, flipping them all off.

"Thanks"Harry whispered to him, nick nodded and smiled at him before continuing on their teaching.

After school zayn wasn't in Harry's class, it was weird because he always goes to his class right after school. All of his friends are in his classroom hanging out except him.

He went up to Liam and sat next to him, "do you know where zayn is?" Liam had a guilty face and shook his head.

"No idea" Liam sounded disappointed. Harry knew something was up but didn't push it, maybe they got into a fight.

A few hours later Harry and the boys were packing up their stuff when zayn went inside. His hair was messy and he looked flushed.

"Sorry, I had gym"

"That was over 5 hours ago" Harry said confused.

"Oh well I wanted extra credit and I went out."  Harry just nodded, he looked at Liam who still had a guilty face. He put his head down.

Harry locked the classroom door and they all went to the car. It wasn't so awkward since zayns friends were in there and they were usually loud.

What really bugged Harry was zayn sat in the back and Liam was up front.

They got to the house and they all went to the living room and took turns on the video games.

Zayn went to shower and Harry was making lunches. He saw Liam walking over to him with a frown.

"What's wrong? You seem different today" Liam shrugged and hugged Harry. Harey higged back confuses.

"I'm sorry, I tried" is all liambsaid before walking back to the living room.

Harry has a concerned look while he made the lunches. He brought them out and went to his room.

What does Liam mean by tried to stop him? Who? Was there someone hurting him? Should he spend the night?

Harry finally went down and asked Liam if he would spend the night, he nodded and called his mother. She let him and Harry got blanket and pillows for him.

Zayn was playing video games and just having fun with his friends.

Liam would look at zayn and then shake his head. Somebody need to tell harry.

But Liam also didn't want to tell him, it would break Harry so much if he found out. He didn't want zayns bubbly and happy harry gone.

After everyone else left zayn looked over to see Liam on the couch. He wrapped a arm around Harry and kissed him roughly.

Harry kisses back sweetly and then backed away. "Liam's is staying over" Harry smiles as he sat next to Liam in the couch.

Zayn gave him a look and sat next to Harry. "What should we watch?" Hardy said as he flipped through channels.

"Bobs burgers" Liam said and Harry nodded. They all would laugh and talk about the movie until it was 12.

Harry went to his room and went to bed, he was a little annoyed with the pink pastel blankets and sheets.

He shook it off and went to bed.

"When the helm are you going to tell him? I can't keep this from him for long!" Liam whisper yelled at zayn.

"What the hell?! Yeah I fucked her once so? He'll never know so shut up!" Liam looked down again and frowned.

A/n im so sorry! I thought I published it yesterday!

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