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A/n I just showered my 3 dogs...not a good time lol, also this is very short I'm sorry.

It's been a week since Louis left Harry and zayn. Everything has been great. Zayn fixes the porch outside and Harry decorated the garden without someone getting pissed at him.

Harry was putting new wallpaper in the kitchen while zayn was putting new flooring in the living room. Zayn loves everything, it's a lot of work but it makes him feel like Harry is his boyfriend.

He actually is now.

After Louis left they have done it everywhere. Harry didn't like the house because it reminded him of Louis so they are changing it up a bit.

Things have changed since Louis has gone though. Harry likes listening to rock now and wears false lashes with red lipstick, zayn gives him his freedom, unlike Louis. He didn't like Harry wearing lipstick so he always wore lip gloss.

He liked this Harry but he wants his other Harry who loves pink and listened to pop music.

"Baby" zayn said as he kissed Harry. They were almost done when t turned midnight.

"It's late let's go to bed yeah?"!harry nodded tiredly and they both walked to the room.

Zayn started kissing Harry, he made it more heated and put his hands under Harry's shirt.

He soon was playing him the hem of Harry's booty shorts when Harry stopped him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not ready yet. I want it to be special" Harry was right, zayn wanted their first time to be special.

Zayn only nodded and they kissed roughly until they couldn't breathe.

Harry tiredly smiled at zayn and they went to bed.

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